Chapter 23

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Dani’s POV

It’s been two months. Two months since Casey almost died. Lauren, Lisa and I always stayed with Casey. We only left the room every Sunday, to church and pray for her. The rest decided that that won’t help Casey. They only went home every night. Lauren and I slept on the couches and Lisa in a chair. “Laur? I’m scared.” I told Lauren and grabbed her hand. “We all are.” she replied and hugged me. “We brought you some food.” Christina said as she entered the room with Katherine and Amy close behind her. “Thanks Chrissy.” Lisa said and grabbed a piece of the pizza. “I’m not hungry.” I said softly. “Me neither.” Lauren added. “Guys, you have to eat something.” Katherine said and bends down to our level. I just shrugged. I just didn’t care anymore. The only thing I want is for Casey to wake up. I just stared at Casey. “Dani, please look at me.” Amy tried but I didn’t move. I shook my head and just ignored her. Suddenly I saw Casey move her hand. “She moved her hand!” I yelled look at Lauren. “I saw it! She moved her hand.”. Everybody looked at Casey but she just lay there like she did the last two months. “Dani, sometimes people only see what they want to see. Maybe you miss her so much that you want her to wake up.” Christina told me. “Don’t you?” a weak voice whispered. “Yeah.” Christina said softly. “Wait, who said that. It wasn’t me.” I said looking around. Everybody shook their head. I looked at Casey and saw she had a small smile on her lips. “Casey!” I yelled and quickly ran to her bed and grabbed her hand. “I’ll go get the doctor!” Katherine said and ran away. “Oh, I missed you so much!” I said with tears in my eyes. Everybody ran to her bed with tears of happiness streaming down our faces.

Casey’s POV

I tried to open my eyes but I just couldn’t. I listened and knew the girls were here. I tried to move my hand and moved my fingers a bit. I guess Dani saw it and I knew it when she yelled it. Then I heard Christina’s sad voice. “Dani, sometimes people only see what they want to see. Maybe you miss her so much that you want her to wake up.” she said. “Don’t you?” I whispered and smiled a little. I slowly opened my eyes and I was so happy to see them all again. “Casey!” Dani yelled and quickly ran to me and grabbed my hand. I gave her a little squeeze when I saw tears in her eyes. “Oh, I missed you so much.”. Now the rest was also by my side. Amy was busy calling mom. “Of course I missed you.” Christina said and gave me a soft hug. “It’s good to hear your voice again.” Lisa said with tears streaming down her face. I nodded and hugged her too. Next was Lauren. “Oh Casey, don’t ever leave us.” She said and bursted into tears. “I won’t. I promise.” I said and hugged her. “I’m so glad to see you… alive again.” Amy said and gave me a big hug. Suddenly the last person I expected to see can running into my room. It was Sylvia Carranza. My eyes grew big and so did hers. She ran to me and gave me a huge hug. “What happened to you?” she asked looking at my body. “That scary man came back for me.” I said and started to cry. She and all of the girls quickly started to hug me and whisper sweet words until I fell asleep.

I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes. “Hey.” I hear Christina’s voice ask me softly. “Hey.” I said looking to my right. I shove a little to my left so that there was enough space from her to lie on. She climbed on the bed and put her arms protectively around me. “How are you feeling?” she asked me softly. “I’m alright. You?” I asked her. “Same.” she says hand gave me a soft hug. The door opened and the rest of the family plus Sylvia came walking in. “How are you doing?” mom asked me as she grabbed my left hand. “I’m alright.” I said softly and smiled a little. “This is not how I’d hoped to see you again.” Sylvia said as she gave me a quick hug. “What are you doing here?” I asked her. “I am on a road trip to San Diego so I thought I could pay you a visit. And… You’re talking!” she said as her eyes grew wide. I nodded and looked at her. Sylvia has light brown hair like Christina and hazel eyes like Dani. She’s like a half year older than me and she’s also like 3 inches taller than me. She wore a pair of normal jeans and a black T-shirt with ‘Sassy’ on it. I thought about the day we first met.

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