Chapter 9

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Casey's POV

I walked upstairs to my room. I saw Lisa lying on her bed with her laptop. She smilled at me as I entered. I smiled back, grabbed my notebook and walked downstairs to the piano. I sat down and started to play some random songs. Suddenly I thought of I knew you were trouble by Taylor Swift. It was difficult to play, but I wanted to try. I made a couple mistakes, so I started again. Suddely I heard a guitar join me. I stopt playing and looked up. I saw Amy sitting on the piano with her guitar. She kept playing the song. I smiled and started played along with her. At the bridge a keyboard joined and not much later the drum joined too. At the end of the song I looked up to see Lisa behind the drum, Lauren and Christina behind the keyboards and Katherine walking around with the camera. "That was just awesome and it sounded amazing!" Katherine said. "I agree. "Can we play it one more time?" Lisa begged. I nodded and played the intro. Suddenly Dani came running in with a microphone and started so sing the lyrics. This time Katherine filmed the whole song and the girls joined Dani and sang along. I saw them all smiling at me, but the one with the biggest smile was Lauren. It was a proud smile.

Katherine's POV

I saw Lauren with a big proud smile on her face. When they were done I quickly run upstairs to edit the video. Lisa came right after ne and we uploaded it a half hour later. "Katherine. Lisa. Dinner is ready. We're having pizza." my mom yelled. Lisa ran downstairs immediately. I laughed and walked downstairs to the backyard. There I saw Amy and Casey playing their guitars together. I kept my distance and watched them quietly. Suddely Dani jumped out of nowhere whit a camera and took as many pictures before Casey started chasing her. They ran inside and I walked over to Amy grabbing Casey's guitar. "Dinner is ready. Are you coming?" I said with a big smile on my face. "Sure." she answered. "Why are you smiling like that?". "Why shouldn't I. I mean we were all having a good time including Casey. She doesn't hide for us anymore and even plays music with us.". Now she smiled too and nodded in agreement. "It's amazing how much you can do to a person just by loving him or her.". Now it was my turn to nod in agreement. We walked inside and saw that Lisa got Casey and Dani both on the floor laughing. She did some weird faces and some weird movements. Then I saw that Lisa was simply protecting her pizza. I laughed and gave Dani and Casey their piece of pizza. They attacked it like 2 hungry wolves. I chuckled and joined Christina on the couch. She was watching Dani and Casey quietly, but with a huge smile on her face. "Hey Chrissy. Are you happy about the same reason I am?". "I think so." she replied. We just watched smiling at our younger sisters who were running around again. This time they were chasing Lightning. Wait a second? Lightning?! Christina and I looked at each other and quickly got up trying to catch the hamster.

<The next morning>

"Katherine, Katherine, Katherine!" I heard someone scream while jumping on my bed and shaking me like crazy. "Good morning to you too." I said to Casey with a big smile. She smiled at me and ran over to Christina's bed to do the same. "You weenie." I heard Christina say before she started to tickle the hyper Casey. After I've showered and got dressed I started to make breakfast. I saw Casey literaly bouncing down the stairs with a bucket and a soaking wet Lauren on her heels. Now I was almost rolling on the floor of laughter. Christina entered the kitchen and looked at me like I was crazy. Casey stormed in and tried to hide behind Christina, but failed. Lauren cought her and hugged her in her wet clothes. "Weenies." I said. They looked at me and then they both started to hug me. "Now it's serious. Let's take it outside. Christina. You're with me.". She looked and me with an evil smile on her face. Lauren and Casey looked at each other and ran outside. Lauren got the hose and Casey a water gun. Christina and I quickly grabbed the other water guns and the water balloons. Soon enough the whole family joined and split up in teams. I noticed that Lisa was the only one that wasn't here. I ran to Casey and pulled her inside. "Do you know where Lisa is?" I asked her. She shook her head, grabbed a towel and walked away. That was strange. Suddenly I got hit by a water balloon. I turned around and found Amy standing in frond of me with an evil and challenging smile on her face. We stood there like two cowboys before a battle. A grabbed and trowed all water balloons I could find at her as quick as possible.

Lisa's POV

I was sitting on the balcony of the tree house. I sat here almost all day without a reason. I heard something behind me and turned around. Casey came walking out with a blanket. She put it around my shoulders and sat down next to me. She smiled at me and laid her head on my shoulder. We watched the sunset together and walked back home. "Did I miss anything?" I asked her. "Water fight." she said carefully with doubt. I laughed and opened the frond door. "Where were you?" I heard Christina's bossy voice. I looked at her direction and saw that Katherine and Amy stood beside her. "Come here Casey.". "I'm not a dog." Casey replied slowly and hugged me tight. Christina was surprised, but recoverd quick. "Where were you?" she asked me again. I looked at Casey and said: "Outside.". "Where outside?". "Chrissy. Calm down. I was just outside, okey?". "I asked where!". Now I didn't reply. I stared at her for a moment and than ran outside. I didn't ran back to the tree house, but instead I ran to the beach. When I got there I ran as far as I could and sat down in the sand. I hugged my knees and cried softly. I knew that Christina meant it well, but sometimes she is too concerned. I looked up to see the moon and the beautiful stars. Suddenly I saw a shooting star. I closed my eyes and did a wish.

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