Chapter One: May I?

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I closed my eyes in satisfaction appreciating the bread I was tasting.

"Mmmm... Donald this is really good," I moaned into the bread.

Donald had to be the best baker in the world. I came to his bakery anytime I could. My mom disliked me leaving the house alone so I usually had to sneak out.

Donald only laughed and shook his head. "How you eat that much and remain the same weight fascinates me Liana."

"Oh come on Donald, I don't eat that much," I scoffed. I knew I had an appetite but I can't help it if I'm always hungry and food is so glorious.

I took out my pouch ready to give him a coin but he shook his hands. "It's on the house."

"Is it ever not?" I asked. Every time I came, he'd insist it would be on the house. It was sort of embarassing. I know my family did not have much to give, but it's his earnings.

"Please, you're the only reason I ever get this much customers. " He nudged his head to a group of boys standing in line behind me. I knew they were there since I noticed them following me to the bakery. I could also hear their whispers and giggles.

"Well in that case, I'm taking this," I said picking up another piece of bread. I'd like to call what Donald and I have as a wonderful partnership.

Donald just laughed and let me go. Taking my bread, I head out the door waving goodbye to the boys.

"Bye Liana," the boys said in unison. It was awfully cute that it put a smile on my face.

I started making my way home with the fresh loaf of bread smiling at the villagers. I heard light foosteps running behind me making me smile even wider.

"Oh Liana!" A little voice yelled from behind me. I turned around watching a little boy running my way. He was holding a beautiful white flower. "I picked this for you."

He held out the flower for me with a shy smile. The little thing was blushing; I had to hold in my awe. "Why thank you sweetheart, I'm going to put it in my hair." I tucked it behind my ear. "There, does it look pretty?"

He nodded and smiled a toothless smile. I gave him a kiss on his cheek making him blush even more. I ruffled up his blonde hair before making my way home. Walking down the dirt path to my little home, I found a horse tied to one of the trees outside. It was a beautiful black mane. It was so big and muscular. It was mezmorizing. I wonder if it's friendly. I approached the horse cautiously. It just let out a huff of hair. Wow, it was so obedient. I wonder where it's master is. How long has it been here. I went to the well behind my house and filled up a bucket of water before bringing it to the horse.

It let out a grateful neigh before drinking. I started petting it appreciating it's beauty. I wonder if we have anything I could feed it. Maybe some hay or carrots. I pet the beauty one more time before heading inside to search for some food.

"Mama I'm home!" I yelled opening the door. The smell of her cooking filled my nostrils. "Mmmm what is that smell?"

I needed to have some of whatever was cooking.

My mom came rushing to the door. Her face expressing how worried she is. Here come's the lecture, right about...

"Where were you? How many times do I have to tell you that a girl as pretty as you should not wander alone!" She threw her hands in the air.

There it is.

I got this every time I got out. I was not going to sit around waiting for an escort around my village. I was so over not being able to breathe because I was single pretty young woman.

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