Chapter 3

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This is Nyle Dimarco as Emilio Guido.

I haven't edited this chapter so please bear with me.
Remember to vote and stuff.
Thank you :)

Emilio's POV

I watched her from the surveillance camera's. She had just fallen asleep after cleaning her wound. I watched her every move and soon I got tired and decided that I too should go and sleep.

I walked to the main house from the cabin in the woods neighboring my house and found Darya, the maid who was so close to me I could call her my mother, preparing diner.

"Mio bambino how was your day?" She asked as I walked to the fridge.

" Busy as usual"

"Dario told me about the two girls, have you hurt them?"

" Me no, my men yes"

She turned and looked at me with disgrace. " Emilio mio bambinoHow many times do I have to tell you to stop torturing innocent girls?"

"Darya they are not innocent they know things that I need to know."

" Did they talk?"

" No I doubt they will."

"Then let them go, please they are just young girls who were born to parents who did bad things. Don't drag innocent ones into this Emilio."

" I can't let them go. I'll use them here for my own purposes. I'll make them join the team."

"Emilio please not again."

"Darya enough," I said as I raised my voice ," I can do what I want with them okay. I've gone to sleep. Good night."

I stormed out if the kitchen up the stairs and finally into my bedroom.

The next day I called my men and told them to bring the girls to the house on the other side where the other girls who worked for me stayed.

I dressed in some jeans and a shirt and headed out for a meeting with my younger brother Dario. I would be back in order to instruct the two girls.

Ronna's POV
Valeriya finally woke up.She started crying as soon as she saw me. I rushed over to her side and cuddled her as she cried on my shoulder.

"Ron,  Ron they ...they touched me," she said in between sobs." I know baby, don't worry its all okay."
I rocked her until she stopped crying and she sat straight wiping her tears.

"Did you tell them anything?"
"Off course not Val, you?"
"No.What are they going to do to us?"
"I have no idea".

I gave her her sandwich and the water and she quickly devoured it." So what now Val?"

"We just sit and wait."

We began talking and after a while the door was opened and two men walked in. They handed us some clothes and shoes and told us to dress. They left and I got into the clean undergarments, that surprisingly fit perfectly, blue jeans, a white shirt and black doll shoes. I put the phone that was in my bra in my pocket hoping they wouldn't take it away from me
Val wore a knee length beige dress with similar doll shoes.

The men came back and told us to follow them. We left the cabin like structure and walked through the beautiful gardens until the other side of the  compound where a two story house stood. We were led inside and they locked the door behind us.

A woman with the most gorgeous body walked over to us and studied us before she began talking, "Hello my name is Olivia," she said with a thick Italian accent, "follow me."

Me and Val glanced at each other unsurely before we followed her to the beautifully furnished kitchen.

"Please sit down, I'll get you some food."

She placed two plates of spaghetti in front of us and two glasses of water.

"So what's your story?"she asked
"They want information about the Russian gang my father heads but we didn't tell them anything so they raped me and hurt her leg," said Val, " oh by the way I'm Valeriya and this is Ronna , Val and Ron for short."

"Where are we?" I asked

" I would love to tell you but i cant. Emilio is going to come by later. You can ask him all the question that you want.Anyway I should leave,if you need me I'll be upstairs room 4.See you later," she said as she left the kitchen.

Val and I ate in silence and washed the utensils as soon as we finished eating. We walked to the sitting room and I pulled out my phone and it turns out that it was Tuesday and a few minutes after three.

The door opened and heavy footsteps made the way to where we were.
"The boss wants to see you.Follow me," said the bulky man.

We did as we were told and we made our way to the large glamorous mansion. I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful the interior was as we were led to an office.

There were two men in the office,one whom I had never seen before. He was tall and muscular with the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.We were told to sit down and we did.

"Hello girls. We have met before and I didn't introduce myself. I'm Emilio, this is my younger brother Dario."

I smiled at Dario who smiled back at me. Emilio must have realized because he coughed loudly getting all the attention to himself.

He started telling us what was required of us because we would never leave his command. He told us that we were to help in his missions and that we would begin training tomorrow.

As he spoke it slowly dawned to me that I  would never be able to see my mother or my brother and my nephew. That I would never open up the flower shop I had saved so much to buy. That I would never have the normal life that I always dreamed about.

My thoughts were interrupted by Emilio's loud voice." Ronna, Ronna, are you listening to me?"

"Can I call my mother?"

"Can I call my mother? She's probably worried about me. Can I call her?"

"What? Why not?" I asked as I raised my voice.
"Because you just can't." He replied

"Just let her do it okay," said Dario.

They began arguing in Italian and finally they stopped.
"You have your phone why not call her."

"Don't you think I've tried because I have. There's no network down there."

"Here," he said as he handed me a phone.

I quickly dialed her number and broke into tears when I heard her voice.

"Mom its me,"
"Ronna. I've missed you so much how are you ?Where are you? Have they hurt you?"
"Mom I'm fine okay I'm fine"
"They said you were kidnapped by the Guido's is it true."
"Yes momma".
"Oh my poor baby," she said and I heard her sob.

" Look mom I love you and I'm going to be fine. Take care of James and Peter tell them I love them."
"Is this goodbye?"
"I don't know mom but I'll see if I can call you later but as for now yes, it's a goodbye"

"Time is up bellisimo ," shouted Emilio

"Mom I love you."
"I love you too baby"

I hang up and handed the phone back to Emilio. He finished talking and had us taken back to the house.

We met a few more girls and we were shown to our room after supper.
There was a closet of new clothes and two beds. The room had its own bathroom and as soon as I had a shower and cleaned off the dirt.
I went to sleep but I couldn't.
All I could do was think about my family and how fucked up my life was now.

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