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"Can you pass me the chicken" Taylor asked. We was having dinner. Beauty made chicken, mac and cheese, baked beans, rolls, hot water corn bread, hot dogs, and turnip greens. I passed him the chicken and he handed me the rolls.

"Thank you so much Beauty. I feel so much better" I said.

"Anytime baby" she said. We all ate and went into the den to watch a movie. I picked daddy's little girls. Beauty and Taylor sat on the love seat. Delilah, Dallas, Dakota, and I sat on the couch. Kiyah was in her swing and Michael and Tyson were in front of me on the floor. I sat in the middle of the couch while Delilah sat to my left, Dakota sat to my right and Dallas sat in my lap. I looked down and saw Michael playing with Tyson. I took a picture and put it on instagram 'MICHAEL IS SUCH A GOOD BIG BROTHEER/ FRIEND'

In the middle of the movie I looked around and saw all of the kids sleep. It was about 7 so around there bedtime. I took Dallas in Cayla's room and laid her on the bed.  I did the same for Dakota. I took Taylor and Delilah in the guest room. I took Kiyah  in her room and put Tyson in the swing.

"So really how are you doing " Beauty asked.

"I'm barely hanging in there. Its just so hard trying to take care of Kiyah and get over this. I just wish I had help" I said as tears ran down my cheeks. Michael lifted me up and sat me on his lap.

" I will help you" Michael said. I looked at him.

"Really you don't have to. I mean I can manage" I said.

"I want to" he said.

"Well look at the time I need to get them home" Beauty said.

"I will help you" me and Michael said in unison.

"All right now y'all acting like the twins" Beauty said causing us all to laugh.  


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