Secrets out

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"You have to leave me alone" I told James when he walked up to me.

"Why? What did he do to you? You better tell me Kayla" James said stepping in front of me.

"James please don't do this" I begged. I had my books in my hand because I had to move back to my locker.

"Why? What is he doing to you, Kayla" James asked. I shook my head and walked around him. He stopped me again to take my books.

"James you don't need to take my books" I said but he kept walking to my locker. Tyler was once again at his locker with Janae. James opened my locker and put my books in.

"James that was nice but not needed" I whispered.

"Why was it not needed I always help you to your locker! What is he doing to you Kayla? Just tell me" James yelled. By then Tyler had already turned around.

"What is he doing here Kayla" Tyler asked pulling me to him.

"He was helping me with my books" I whispered.

"Why you can't carry your own books" Tyler asked pulling me closer. I opened my mouth to speak.

"No I came to see what is going on with you doing shit to Kayla" James said stepping up to Tyler.

"James please stop. I'm not worth it" I yelled to James.

"He is not going to do anything to me and Kayla you are more than worth it" James said.

"I am going to kill Katy" Tyler kept mumbling.

"Is that how you solve your problems" James asked.

"Hell yea because I handle mine" Tyler said.

" Just like you handled me by giving me to Katy. You waited till I was unconscious from lack of food to take me to Katy. You took me there and told her what to do with me. You told her everything about me and even gave her all the paperwork. You told her not to tell me till I was ready. Before you left you told me you loved me and to stay safe. You told me you would always be watching me. Why would you just give me away" James said.

"I did it to help you. I did it for your own good" Tyler said letting me go.

"I had dreams every night of what my life use to be like. I use to dream of your face. How we used play outside. But I also had night mares. Dad hitting mom one good time and leaving. Mom doing drugs all the time and beating you. When I was 13 Katy told me. She even told me about the two dollars you gave her. She never spent it but she gave it to me so I can have something to remember you by. Those two dollars are in my room under my pillow as we speak" James said. Tyler backed up shaking his head.

"Come on Kayla" Tyler yelled. I didnt move.

"Come on Kayla" Tyler yelled pulling me with him.

"No! James! Help me! Please! James" I yelled as I was dragged out the building to Tyler's car. He pushed me in and drove off. I cried silently till he pulled up in front of my house.


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