Drama and flashbacks

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I changed Kiyah's diaper and pulled her pants up. She had on a pink onesie with a gray bow and her gray sandals. I put her in her carseat and buckled her up. I put her pink pacifier in her mouth. Tyler picked her up and we walked out of the hospital.

When we got home there were five cars outside. There was mine, James's, Banny's, and two other cars. The red Toyota looked familiar. We walked in the house and everyone said "Heyyyyyy".

" Oh My goodness hey" I yelled. Banny was the first one to hug me. Then James.

"Hey sexy momma" Banny said. Banny was a friend I had as a freshman but moved to Cali and is now back.

"Hey Sexy momma. Where is my baby" I said as we pulled out of the hug. Banny had two kids, Bonny who is 3 and Zeal who is 5 months.

"Girl let me go get her"she said walking off.

"Hey baby mama drama" James said giving me a hug.

"Hey thug life" I said dapping him up.

"Here she is" Banny said handing me Zeal.

"Zeally" I yelled reaching for Zeal. I grabbed her out of Banny's hands.

"Hey baby" I cooed. I walked over to Tyler and Kiyah.

"That's your new cousin Kiyah. Say hi" I told Zeal. She jumped up and down in my arms making me laugh. I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. I turned around and my smile vanished. That smile. That face. Those hands. Those legs. It was my mother.

"What do you want" I growled.

"Ha not you. I just want to hold the baby" She smiled.

"Get out of here with that bull crap" I yelled causing Zeal to jump.

"I'll leave but your going to wish you let me hold her" she yelled before walking out the house. I handed Banny Zeal and picked up Kiyah. I walked up to my room. I layed Kiyah down and I leaned on the headboard. I reached in the drawer in my night stand and took out a box. The box had pictures in it. There was a picture of me when I was first born, it looked just like Kiyah. There was a picture of my mom and dad smiling. There was a picture of my mom when my daddy got finished beating her. There was even a picture of me tied to a bed naked. There was a picture of my real parents.


I walked in the house and gave my grandmother a kiss.

" Hey Gmama" I said.

"Hey baby. Bye baby" she said dragging her suit case outside.

"Gmama take me with you" I yelled as she started pulling off.

"Kayla get yo dusty busty ass in this house" my momma yelled. I fell to my knees.

"Chris you better get her" my momma yelled to my daddy. My daddy came outside.

"Kayla if you don't get up. It ain't like she dead..yet" he said making me cry harder. I heard him take off his belt. He picked me up and started beating me. I cried even more. He drug me in the house and up to my room. I thought he would stop there but he didn't. He threw me on the bed and told me to take my clothes off. I took my clothes off slowly and he started to take his off. When we were both naked he picked me up and sat me on the edge of the bed.

"You don't want me to hurt you" my daddy asked. I shook my head.

"You want to make me happy" my daddy asked. I nodded my head.

"Do you know what this is" he asked grabbing his hard penis. I shook my head.

"Well don't worry about it. I want you to suck on this like a lollipop" he told me as he sat down and put me in front of him. I had no idea what was going on since I was 10 and my mother never told me anything. I started to lick it then I sucked on it. My daddy started moaning and pushing my head down. I started gagging and trying to get air. Then a white liquid shot in my mouth and I swallowed.

"Was it good" my daddy questioned. I nodded my head.

"My turn" he said while picking me up and laying me on my bed. I just layed there while he spread my legs. He touched my private part and started licking it. It felt strange and myy body tingled. I let out a few moans then I had a weird feeling and stuff came out of me.


I heard a knock on the door and I put the pictures back where I got them. I looked at the door hoping they would go away. I heard the door open and Banny and Zeal came in.

"We don't have to talk. I just wanted to come and sit with you" she said as she sat down. I laughed then Kiyah started getting cranking.

" I need to go get her bottle" I said as I walked out leaving Kiyah with Banny. I walked in the den. I saw Kyle and James on the couch watching basketball. Kyle had that white bitch on his lap. No one noticed me getting the bag except the white chick.

" Oh if it isn't the bitch" she said. She got up and walked towards me. I payed her no attention.

"Don't you hear me talkin" she said. I walked in the kitchen. She followed me.

"Your such a slut" she said. I ignored her. She slapped me on my ass.

"The fuck is your problem" I said.

"Oh shut up your a slut you like that stuff" she said walking out. I shook my head and walked up stairs with the bottle. I fed Kiyah and she went to sleep.

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