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I sat downstairs watching tv. Cayla had fell asleep on the couch and Tyler and Kenya were upstairs getting down. I decide to text James.

K- hey

J- are you ok

K- yea thanks for trying to help

J- that's what I'm here for. What are they doing?

K- Tyler and kenya doing you know what and Cayla is sleep

J- so what are you doing

K- thinking bout you and what happen

Kenya walked down the stairs, frowned at me, and left. Then Tyler came down the stairs. He tried to sit beside me and put his hand on my thigh. I got up grabbed Cayla and took her upstairs to her room. I laid her in her room and went in the guest bedroom. As soon as I laid down on my back Tyler walked in and laid beside me.

"Im sorry" he said rubbing my arm.

"Tyler you say that every time" I said as I turned over to my stomach.

"I told you not to hang with him but you didn't listen. Then you got him around my child. I had no other choice" he said rubbing my back.

"I hang with him because he is the only one to walk me to my locker when you are talking to another girl. He has always been there for me. When you were fucking another girl he came and picked me up from school. When you weren't there for me he was. I can't just let him go because you say so. I am not doing it for you I'm doing it for Cayla the one who is just another kid to you" I tell him.

"I want you to stop talking to him so much" he said as he stopped rubbing my back.

"And who daddy is you" I said turning towards him.

"Yours and Cayla" he said sitting up.

"Whatever nigga I ain't got to do what you say" I said turning my head back around.

"Yea you do" he said getting up.

"Whatever nigga" I said closing my eyes. Next thing I know I'm being picked up to my feet and a belt coming at me. Yep I was getting beat by my so called boyfriend and it hurt like a mother fucker.


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