Getting Kaiden

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"So who's baby is that" Tyler asked.

"Idk a lady came asked if you lived here, came in, and said she would be back at six" I said. We were laying on our bed with Kaiden between us.

"She was dark skinned" Tyler asked.

"Yea. Long hair. About my height. Big booty" I said naming some features.

"Aww this my nigga. That's my sister. This Kaiden. Aw man he is going to be a hand full" Tyler said picking up Kaiden.

"How many brothers and sisters you got" I asked.

"No more I think" Tyler said.

"Mhm ok" I said.

"yea but there is a catch to this one" Tyler said playing with Kaiden.

"What is that" I ask.

"She is in the military and we have to keep Kaiden. So how was your day" Tyler said trying to change the subject.

"What his clothes and other needs" I asked.

"That's why shes coming back. He is going to share a room with Cayla for now. Kiyah still has her own room" Tyler said getting off the bed with Kaiden.

"oh ok. I see you have this all figured out. Why did you not tell me until the last minute? You had plenty of time" I said getting angry.

"Baby calm down. Ain't nobody got time for that" Tyler said laughing.

"Well" I said before I got cut off from a horn. We walked down stairs and outside. There was a uhaul truck in our front yard.

"What the hell" Tyler and I said.

"Don't be cusing in front of my baby. He has a lot of stuff so go help James unpack" she told Tyler. Tyler went to go help James who hopped out the front seat of the truck.

"So who are you" she asked taking Kaiden away from me.

"Uh well I'm Tyler's girlfriend Kayla" I said holding my hand out.

"Oh I'm Tiffany" she said shaking my hand.

"So your his baby momma to. How many months are you" Tiffany asked

"She not my baby momma. She my future wife" Tyler said walking by us with 3 boxes.

"8 months" I said.

"wow you must be a good one if he says you his future" Tiffany laughs.

"Yea" I said.

"So is this your first" Tiffany asked.

"Mommy I got to pee" Cayla said in her baby voice, walking beside me.

"Well that answers my question" Tiffany says causing us both to laugh.

"I'll be back" I said before taking Cayla to the bathroom.

" I can go by myself mommy" Cayla said shutting the door. I let her go while I waited by the door. Kyle came out his room and stood beside me.

" Look about earlier. I wasn't thinking. I really like you. You got everything a man could think of. That big ass"Kyle said.

"Kyle stop" I said.

"And your eyes are beautiful" Kyle continued.

" Kyle" I said again.

" You are the most sexiest person I've ever seen" Kyle continued.

"I'm done mommy" Cayla said opening the door.

"I love you" Kyle whispered. I grabbed Cayla's hand and walked outside just as Tyler was coming in.

"Hey baby" i said to Tyler.

"Hey" he said nonchalantly and kept walking. We walked outside and Tiffany was about to leave.

"Bye Kayla. Bye Cayla. Bye Tyler. Bye Kyle" she said. She gave Kaiden a hug while James gave Me and Cayla a hug. She was about to hand me Kaiden but Tyler grabbed him. Then James and Tiffany got in the truck and left.

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