A New Begining and Surprises

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1 Year later

Cayla is a big 2 year old. I'm 81/2 months pregnant with a baby girl. Tyler has turned into the best daddy/boyfriend ever. After we graduated 5 months ago he has been home more. He plays with Cayla a lot and he is so excited about the baby. Almost every time he comes home he has a bag of something for the baby. He calls her Kyona. Tyler let's James come over and they have become so much close.

"ahhhhhh" Cayla screamed as Tyler chased her around at the park.

" Be careful you two" I yelled from the table. Tyler came and sat beside me. I heard two dudes arguing and pushing each other on the other side of the park.

"Tyler I think we should leave" I said turning my attention to Cayla on the swings not far from the dudes.

"Why Cayla is having so much fun" Tyler said looking at Cayla.

"Those dudes are getting pretty serious, Tyler" I said looking at the dudes.

"Ight I got you baby" Tyler said getting up and walking to those dudes.

"Hey fellas ima have to ask y'all to take this somewhere. My kids are trying to enjoy themselves" Tyler said.

"Really and which one is your kid" the older one asked.

"Uhh she is the little one on the swing" Tyler said looking at Cayla and smiling.

"Then why you ain't over there watching her" the younger one asked, he looked about 15 years old.

"Well my girl is watching her" Tyler said.

"And which one is that" the older man asked, he looked about 37.

"The pregnant one at the table" Tyler said smiling at me.

"Aw bruh you got a good one" the younger one said.

"Aye boy that's why we out here now. You need to shut that shit up" the older man said to the younger one.

"I don't mean to be nosey but why are y'all out here" Tyler asked.

"How bout we take a seat" the older one said.

"Of course follow me" Tyler said leading them to where I was. They came and sat down. Tyler sat beside me, the young boy sat in front of me and the older guy sat beside him.

"Hi my name is Xavier Burns and this is-" he said before he got cut off by Tyler.

"You know Tasha McCullen" Tyler asked.

"Yes but I'd rather not talk about her" Xavier said looking at the boy whose name I don't know yet.

"Why because you left her to raise two kids by herself" Tyler asked.

"How do you know her" Xavier asked looking at Tyler confused.

"Because I'm her son" Tyler said.


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