Surprise part 2

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"Well how you doing son" Xavier asked.  

"How am I doing? Well let me tell you what happen when you left. My mother decided to become a drug addict. I gave my little brother to our old babysitter. I grew up teaching myself everything but no one taught me how to be a real man. I have fell in love with this woman but I didn't know what it was so I hit her. I got her pregnant and then decide to just use her for sex. But when I looked in my little girls eyes a year ago I learned how to be the man I am now. I apologize everyday to this woman for what I did and I still can't believe she told me she still loved me and you ask me how I'm doing" Tyler asked putting his arm around my waist. They started having a conversation so I looked at the dude across from me. He looked at me and I mouthed for him to hand me his phone. He handed it to me under the table and I put my number in and sent myself a message and handed his phone back. 


Me: what's your name  

???: Kyle 

Me: I'll call you Kyky  

Ky: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok 

Me: is that your dad 

Ky: yep😒 

Me: lol what were y'all arguing about 

Ky: well he just came into my life and thinks he just going to run things around my house. 

Me: how old are you?????? 

Ky: 17 

Me: you are two years younger than Ty and one year younger than James. 

Ky: who are they😳 

Me oh yea Ty or Tyler is the one beside me and James is his or y'all brother. 

Ky: oh cool  

Me: yea and I want you to meet your niece hld on 

Ky: ok 😏 


"Cayla" I yelled to Cayla who was on the slide causing everyone at the table to look at me. 

"yea" she sceamed. 

"Girl if you don't get over here and stop saying yea like you crazy" Tyler yelled. She walked over to us with her head down. 

"Really Tyler was it that serious" I asked. 

"She know I don't like all that yea stuff. She lucky I didnt beat her" Tyler said as she walked to my side. She started crying once she heard what he said. I picked her up and sat her on the table. 

"Cayla look at me and stop crying daddy not going to do nothing to you" I told her. 

"He gowen to pat pat me" she said. 

"Look daddy not going to do nothing cuz if he do your uncle Kyky going to beat him up" I said pointing to Kyle.  

"Who is that" she said in a rude tone pointing to Xavier

"That's your granddaddy and you better watch yo tone little girl" Tyler said in a stern voice. Cayla started crying and scooted over to Kyle. They look so cute. I took a picture and sent it to James.  

"Well it was nice seeing you again son but we have to go"Xavier said standing up. 

"Aight bye" Tyler said. 

"Nice seeing you"I said. 

"Bye" said Kyle. 

"Bye? Kyle you can give Tyler back his kid and come on I ain't got time to play games" Xavier said to Kyle.  

"Just leave" Tyler and Kyle said. 

"Aight Kyle you lost your mom now you want to lose your dad to"vXavier said.  

"I lost my dad the day I was born" Kyle said staring Xavier in the eyes . Xavier walked away shaking his head. 

"Can we go home Cayla looks tired" I asked Tyler. 

"Yea come on" Tyler said helping me up.  

"Can I stay with you guys" Kyle asked Tyler. 

I don't know bro" Tyler said. 

"Please I could sleep on the couch or the floor. I'll wash the dishes, clean the house, anything you want. I'll even keep you company" Kyle begged. I always need company when Tyler and Cayla are playing. 

"Ohhhh company please baby" I said giving him the eyes. 

"Please bro" Kyle joined. 

"Please daddy" Cayla said giving him her teary eyed puppy dog eyes. 

"Ugh ok but if I fuck up your life don't say nothing" Tyler said. Kyle and I yelled yay! And Cayla covered her mouth. 

"awwwwwww daddy said f-" Cayla said. 

"Don't you say it" Kyle said. 

"Why not daddy said it" Cayla pouted. 

"If you say it then your mommy going to spank you" Kyle said. 

"But she didn't spank daddy" Cayla said still pouting.  

"She is she just want to wait till we go home" Kyle said. 

"I am" I questioned. 

"she is" tyler asked. 

"Yea she going to do it when we get home" Kyle laughed.

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