Chapter Sixty-Eight

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It was after midnight when Kelly was brought back to her room, but Alyssa, Jake, Amy, and Deirdre were still there. Alyssa smiled. "Hi, Mom. How're you feeling?"

"I'm okay, sweetie," she said, holding out her hand. "Have you all seen your brother?"

Amy nodded. "Dad had the nurse bring him here and we all got to hold him. He's beautiful, Kelly." She looked from Kelly to Tony. "You guys did a great job on him."

Tony reached over to brush Kelly's hair away from her face. "We're thinking about having another one, aren't we, honey?"

"Bite your tongue, Anthony Marino," she told him, although she grinned as she said it. "Right now, I just want to be able to walk upright again."

Shane slowly approached her bed. "Mommy?"

"What, baby?"

"Where is he going to sleep?"

Tony reached over to ruffle his hair. "He'll sleep with us for the first few months. And then, maybe we'll see about partitioning off the basement and building another room down there."

"Daddy?" Deirdre broke in, glancing over at Alyssa and then back at Kelly and Tony. "This is something Lyssa and I have been talking about, and Amy, too, actually, since we found out you and Kelly were expecting a baby. What if Lyssa and I share a room--Amy's room, actually, since she'll be away at school?"

"And move Shane into either Alyssa's or Deirdre's room, and let the baby--I mean, Anthony--have the other room." Amy leaned her head against Deirdre's shoulder. "And I'll take Shane's room. I'm only going to be home on breaks and during the summer, so it makes the most sense."

Kelly's throat squeezed shut at this unexpected generosity. "Wow, guys... That's the last thing I expected you to say, Amy. You all are... damn..."

A nurse tapped on the door. "Mrs. Marino? Visiting hours are over."

"These are my other kids," Kelly said with a smile. "Is Anthony getting fussy? I'm hoping to nurse him."

"I'll make sure he is brought to you." The nurse smiled. "Have you all met your brother?"

Tony nodded. "I made sure of it."

Kelly slipped her hand into Tony's and his tightened about hers. Glancing up at him, she said, "Why don't you all go home and get some sleep? I promise you, the baby will be here tomorrow."

Tony turned to peer down at her. "I'm not leaving, baby."

"Tony, it's okay. I'm fine, Anthony's fine. You should go and get some sleep."

"We'll let you guys fight in peace," Deirdre said with a grin as she bent to kiss the top of Kelly's head. "Goodnight, Momma Marino. You done good, kid."

Alyssa and Shane hugged her at the same time and Alyssa said, "We'll be back tomorrow, Mom. I love you."

"I love you, too." She squeezed them both. "Both of you."

"Congratulations, Coach." Jake held out his hand to Tony. "Are you gonna be in school Monday?"

Tony shook his head, clasping Jake's hand. "No. I'm going to take the next week off, give Mrs. Marino a hand when she and the baby come home. But I'll be back the last week of school. You'll have a few more days to put up with me before you graduate, Abrams."

Jake grinned. "Damn. Here I thought I could coast by." He turned to Kelly. "Congratulations, Mrs. Marino. I'm glad everything turned out okay."

"Thank you, Jake. Drive carefully, okay?"

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