Chapter Thirty-Six

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When Kelly made her way out to the football field and back to her seat, she froze. What the hell was Dan doing there, chatting away with Shane, while Alyssa sat laughing with Amy and Deirdre?


"Hey, Kell," he smiled up at her, his arm snug about Shane's shoulders, "I was wondering where you were."

"She had to give Tony a good luck kiss," Shane grinned, "right Mom?"

"Something like that." Kelly sank onto the metal bleacher on Shane's right. "Where's Rebecca?"

"She's home. She isn't much of a football fan."

"That must be tough on you, this time of year." Kelly took her jacket from Shane's lap and dragged it on. "Thank you, baby."

"Sure, Mom."

Dan shrugged. "I still get to watch my Jets. It's all good."

Kelly dug her hands deeper into her pockets. "You still haven't given up on them yet?"

"Never." His blue eyes met hers, swirling with something that made her sit back. "I don't give up on anything I'm passionate about. You know that."

She'd seen that look before. Many times. Twice it resulted in her getting pregnant. But this time, it just made her uncomfortable. But before she could even process it, the PA crackled and a loud voice boomed, "Welcome, Ladies and gentlemen! Are you ready for some football?"

A loud cheer went up and the announcer introduced the Brunswick Vikings starting lineup, followed by, "And of course, they are led by our very own Coach Marino!"

The crowd went wild, and for once, Shane didn't cover his ears at the piercing sound. He was too busy shouting for Tony as well. Kelly smiled as Tony acknowledged the crowd and she felt his gaze land on her. He winked. She winked back.

Dan sighed. "He knows where you sit?"

"He always seems to find me," she replied softly, glancing up at him. "Why are you here, Dan?"

"Homecoming. I'm an alumnus. I spent two years under Coach Marino's tutelage."


"And I'm here to spend time with Shane and Lyssa. And Shane--" he rumpled his son's hair--"is coming back with me tonight, right, Shane-O."

Shane nodded. "Yeah, but I wish Lyssa was coming. It'll be weird without her."

Kelly bit back a sigh as Alyssa smiled over at him. "I'll be there for a little while tomorrow afternoon, Shay. And after the dance as well." Her eyes flicked up to meet Kelly's. "And we're gonna double-date, right, Mom?"

Kelly chuckled. "Do you really want Tony and me to drive you to the high school? Or would you rather just show up in Jake's Camaro?"

"You're going to the Homecoming dance?" Dan directed this at Kelly.

She nodded. "Yep. Tony's chaperoning and he asked me to go with him."

"You should see the dress she picked out, Dad," Alyssa added. "Tony's going to flip when he sees it."

Kelly inwardly winced as Dan's jaw tightened. But to his credit, he smiled. "I'm sure he will. Mom's a pretty lady."

"Tony calls her his beautiful girl," Alyssa said with a sly grin.

"Tony's a smart man."

"Okay, guys, enough." Kelly knew Dan well enough to know any moment, and his hold on his irritation would snap. The last thing she wanted was for him to have a meltdown in the bleachers. She didn't want to be additional entertainment for the crowd.

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