Chapter Forty-Three

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"Attention all students and staff, the lockdown has ended. I repeat, the lockdown has ended. The reason for the lockdown was we had an intruder with a firearm in the building. He was apprehended in Mr. Marino's office a short while ago, but we ask that you remain in place for now, as EMTs are on scene."

Kelly stared up at the speaker, mounted over the clock on the wall, only barely able to hear the principal's voice over the rush of blood roaring through her ears. EMTS? For who? Tony? Chisholm?

She scrambled to her feet. Screw the principal. She had to know.

"Mrs. Adams, wait..."

"No." She shrugged off his jacket, letting it fall to the floor as she hurried to the door and unlocked it. The hallways were eerily quiet and she rushed by locked doors without making a sound, almost running down the stairs as the need to get to Tony's office practically overwhelmed her.

She rounded the corner and promptly crashed into a Brunswick police officer, who held her back, saying, "You can't be here now, miss."

"No, please... who was hurt?" She struggled to break his hold, tears blurring her vision, clogging her throat. "Please..."

"I'm sorry, miss, but you have to stay here."

Two EMTs hurried by, and Kelly bit down on her bottom lip so hard, she actually tasted blood. She went limp against the cop, whispering, "Please tell me who it is..."


She spun about and forgot all about her bleeding lip as Tony emerged from his office. Blood smeared the lower right corner of his mouth, his lip puffy and bloodier than hers.

He caught her easily and she wrapped herself around him, whispering, "Thank God, thank God, thank God," as she threw her arms about his neck and held on for dear life.

"I'm okay, honey. Lyssa's fine. She was never in any danger."

"I know." She couldn't get her voice above a whisper. "She was texting me. Oh, God... What happened?"

His arms tightened about her. "Chisholm went over the edge. Oh, shit... baby, I'm so sorry for everything."

"Tony, don't..." She buried her face in his neck, savoring the scent of Aqua, worn cotton, and him. "I don't care about it. It doesn't matter. It doesn't. All that matters is you're okay."

He groaned softly as she kissed his neck. "I love you, baby..."

"I know, and I love you, too."

"Mr. Marino, you should let me look at that lip. It might need suturing."

Tony reluctantly loosened his hold on her and she just as reluctantly stepped back. "What happened?"

"Chisholm hit me with the butt of his gun. Oh, fuck... easy!" he snapped as the EMT probed the gash.

"Sorry, Mr. Marino." The EMT stepped back. "I don't think it needs suturing, but you might want to ice it for the next few days."

Tony nodded, draping an arm about Kelly's shoulders and pressing a kiss against her temple. "Right now, I just want to go home and have a drink."

Gurney wheels clattered against the tiles in a frantic chatter as the EMTs hurried Chisholm out. A bloodstained sheet covered him to his shoulders and he was waxy white. A brackish taste flooded Kelly's mouth as she tucked her head against Tony's chest. His free hand came up against the back of her head, his fingers light as they skimmed along her hair. She hadn't realized she was crying until he whispered, "It's okay, baby. Everything is okay now. I swear it is. Don't cry, honey."

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