The Opportunity of A Life Time Part 1

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When you fall asleep and wake up in the morning there's always this lovely moment where you can't remember a thing that's troubling you too bad it doesn't last for long it seems like right when you've thought the storm is over the memories of the pain come right back to haunt you not even moments later.

When I finally woke up it was going on 4 in the afternoon I wondered where the time had gone then I remember that I had to be at work at 5:50 on the dot or else I wouldn't have a shot at being premoted to be the manager.

I got dressed as fast as I could then headed out the door I left my mom a 20 dollar bill just in case she needed something while I was gone.

I arrived at work at exactly 5:50 I guess this easy lucky day.

I loved working it gave me time to get away from everything and to just focus on something other than all the drama that was in my life.

I worked at the animal shelter down the street from my house I remember as a little girl I always talked about being a veterinarian so it was a good first job for me.

When I was old enough to actually sit down and think about what I wanted to be I realized that I wanted to be so much more than that I mean I have all of these gifts and talents god gave me I didn't want to just do one thing I wanted to be much more than that I was great at a lot of things but dancing was the thing I was best at I always wanted to see my name in lights and to get on stage and preform so I decided I wanted to be a professional dancer ( Not a stripper lol ) and I always liked planning thing so I wanted to become an event planner I had it all figured out I would start my own event planning business.

For some reason it seemed like every time I was at work people would always blow my phone up only when I was at work though I mean I'm not complaining I'm happy my phone isn't dry but it gets overwhelming especially at work.

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