Part 2

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Trinity - Why are they always fussing ?

Me - I don't know I guess that's just how they show there love towards eachother just like me and my mom

Trinity - I'm glad I don't have to go through why you guys do * Stuffs a fork full of chicken alfredo in her mouth *

Me - Yeah your one of the lucky ones and do you have to chew like that ughh

Trinity - Like what ?

Me - Like you've never tasted alfredo before

Trinity - My bad * Starts laughing *

Me - You good

* Alex walks into the room *

Alex - Wassup why y'all dressed like y'all about to hit the strip club

Me - Were double dating tonight

Alex - Does Ariel know about this ?

Me - No and I plan to keep it that way all we've been doing lately is fussing I'm tired of it

Alex - Yeah and I'm tired of hearing it

Me - Whatever but what you doin tonight

Alex - I was going to chill with Ciara until I have to go to work but my mom won't take me

Me - Lol

Trinity - Why don't you come with us Alex

Alex - Didn't I just say I have to work tonight

Trinity - Oh yeah lol

Alex - Hey can you take me over there

Me - Yeah sure when ?

Alex - Now duhh

Me - Well come on then

Alex - Aight let me get my shoes

Me - Well be in the car

We said goodbye and then went in the car and waited for Alex to come out is seemed like we were waiting for hours

Me - What's taking him so long

* Alex comes out *

Alex - I can't wait to get out this house

Me - What happened now ?

Alex - She stay doin somethin she didn't wanna take mr at first but now since I got a ride she wanna take me I told her I'm good so now she mad

Me - Wow don't worry bout it

Alex - I'm not she be slippin on cold water

Me - Lol you slow

After I dropped Alex off at his girlfriends house its was about time for Trell to pick me up so we went and got Tino and then headed back to my house to wait for Trell .

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