Why ?

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When we got to my house I could tell that my mom had been crying I didn't know why though she tried to act like everything was alright but I knew it wasn't but its not like I could force her to tell me what was wrong I tried to but she kept saying nothing.

* Knock Knock Knock *

Its must have been Trell I was excited I'm glad he didn't stand me up I opened the door and saw I big vase full of roses then I saw Trell

Trell - Y'all ready to go

Me - Yeah I guess

Mom - Hey son in law its been a long time * Hugs Trell *

Trell - Hey ma how are you

Mom - I'm fine you look so different

Trell - Yeah I've matured a little

Mom - That's good I'm not gonna hold y'all up enjoy yourselves

Everyone - Ok we will

Me - See you in a little bit ma love you

Mom - Love you too baby

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