Chapter Four: Meeting his family

Start from the beginning

"She told me that she's your fiancé!" Kim says as she stops pacing. I go quiet for a moment. Kim wasn't supposed to know, Tessa had no right to tell her.

"Kim-" I start but she cuts me off.

"I thought we had sorted everything out between ourselves. I thought we were on good terms now!" Kim say frustrated. She holds her hands to each side of her head and let's out a huge breath.

"We are on good fucking terms. So what if I have a fucking fiancé!" I shout.

"You should have told me. She's a damn celebrity who probably parties every night. She overdosed on drugs and probably still does drugs!! How do I know that she's right for the girls?!" Kim shouts at me. Okay, I wasn't expecting her to say that, I just thought she was jelouse.

"Meet her for yourself, she's a nice person." I sigh.

"I already fucking met her and I don't like her. The kids are downstairs, you can have them this week." She mumbles and storms out banging the door behind her.

I guess a week was good enough because the bitch rarely lets me see Hailie and Alaina. Kim hasn't been bringing the girls around here because of what happened the last time she did.

I had some girl up in my bedroom. Now, I have to go around to her place to see my kids and even then sometimes she doesn't open the damn door.

I have a quick shower and get changed into my normal grey baggy sweats and a white top. Grabbing my phone I walk down stairs to see my kids.

"Hailie? Alaina?" I call for them. I walk into the living room and see that it's empty. I walk towards the kitchen when I hear them talking and giggling.

"You fell all the way down!" Alaina says covering her mouth to stop laughing. Hailie's next to her giggling really hard.

"Right to the bottom, my clothes were sticky and covered with cake and it was all over my hair." Tessa says carrying on with her story. Hailie burst out laughing and Alaina follows her. "Hey, it's not funny. My brothers wouldn't stop laughing at me." Tessa laughs.

"What did your brothers call you again?" Hailie asks through giggles.

"Tess, the cake face mess." Tessa chuckles, the girls both start to laugh again uncontrollably and I can't help but laugh at the sight.

"Daddy!" Hailie giggles and runs toward me. She embraces me in a hug as I pick her up and kiss her.

"Hey baby." I smile and do the same with Alaina. "What you all doing."

"Tessa's telling us a story about her 7th birthday." Hailie says. Tessa stands up and starts to make a cup coffee for herself. The girls already had cupcake wrappers and empty orange juice glasses infornt of them so I guess she already fed them which was nice off her.

"Oh." I mumble and take a seat on the counter.

"Uncle. Did you know that Tessa used to enter beauty pageants." Alaina says.

"Really?" I say raising a brow. Tessa hides her face with her hair as she pours coffee in to two mugs.

"Mhmm...She said that she's going to show us pictures." Alaina says as Tessa hands me a mug of coffee.

"Where you going?" I ask Tessa as she walks out the kitchen.

"Leaving you alone with your kids." She shrugs turning around.

"You can stay." I tell her.

"No thanks. I have to make a few phone calls." She sighs and walks out.

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