Chapter 4

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I'm terribly sorry for not updating guys. I got ill, I even stayed at home today instead of going to school, because I just don't feel too well. But whatever, I wanted to kill some time so I thought, I should write a bit. Maybe I'll update more than one chapter today, to make it up to you.
Anyone from Germany planning on being at a BMTH gig in November/Decembre? I'll probably be at one in Stuttgart on the 11.11.13 omfg I can't wait *o*

Song for this chapter: Green Day - Wake me up when September ends I fucking love this song so much

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Cedrics POV (obviously this is a flashback):

"Calm down, Cedric", I heard Oliver say. "Come on, get up", he added and pulled me out of the car.

I didn't even bother cooperating. I was in complete shock, I couldn't believe what I just did. I tried to keep calm, just like my best friend told me to but I couldn't.

This was bad. Very bad.

I kept shaking my head while repeating "No, no, no, no. This can't be happening" all the time.

"Snap out of it!", Oli hissed at me and sat me down on a stone.

By now I realized my leg bleeding. My ankle looked like it sprained and the sharp pain told me I was probably right about that. But I didn't care. I had other things to worry about.

Still in disbelief I stared at the car. My sister was sitting on the passenger seat, not moving at all. She had a big laceration on her forehead and on her left shoulder, several cuts on her arms, legs and some on her neck. Her eyes were shut and she looked calm like she was sleeping while I was almost freaking out.

Oliver called a doctor and still tried to calm me down. But how could I? This was my fault. I have no driving license yet, why did I sit at the wheel? What was I thinking? I wasn't allowed to drive, Cassie told me not to, still I did. Why did I do it?

Oliver came over to our place, just like every weekend. My parents left the house. My father was at work and my mother went to the grocery store. Recently I was having driving lessons. I always tried to convince my parents to let me drive with one of their cars but they always told me to wait until I'd get my license.

However as soon as mum left the house, I noticed mum leaving her car keys on the table. Since the grocery store wasn't far away from our house, she'd walk there, like always.

"Oh no, Cedric. Don't even think about it! Mum and Dad are going to kill us both", I heard my sister sigh.

"Don't be such a brat, Cass! Come on, just a short spin. I can do it, I almost have my license!", I smiled.

"Oli, say something. You think this is a bad idea too, right?", Cassandra asked my best friend but he just shrugged.

"You know, he's pretty good. A small jaunt can't hurt, can it?", he replied causing my sister to groan in annoyance.

"Fine! Do whatever you want", she hissed.

"What's that supposed to mean? You're coming with us", I laughed at her and she gave me a surprised look.

"I what?", she asked in confusion but I grabbed her by the wrist and we left the house. "No way, I'm not sitting in a car my brother is driving. I'm not crazy!", she complained but I opened the backdoor. 

"Nothing's going to happen, I promise", I smiled at her.

She looked at me angrily and gave me a doubtful glare but finally stepped inside the car.

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