I'm actually extremely thankful to be pregnant, despite all it's quirks, especially this one.

I bring my head up again and look at Peeta who looks worried sick.

"Let's try and go back to bed if we can." I breathe out to him.

"Willow, let's go back to your room, sweetheart. I'll go in there if you want until you fall asleep." Peeta tells her and Willow gives me a look.

She wants to stay in here.

"Daddy, I want to be with you and Mommy? Please?" Willow says.

He sighs, "Willow, come on. You know you don't need to be sleeping by Momma."

"Peeta, just let her stay." I say, rolling my eyes, not wanting to argue or hurt her feelings and besides, she's not hurting anything at all.

He nods, hesitantly and helps ease me back down into our bed.

I turn on my left side and face the open window as he pulls the covers up over me again.

Peeta gets back in bed and Willow snuggles up to my back.

"Willow, stay away from Mommy so she can sleep. Come over here so you don't kick her or anything." Peeta says kind of irritated with us both I am sure.

I feel Willow hesitantly scooting closer to Peeta and I turn flat on my back and look at the ceiling.

"Peeta, she will be alright. You can lay with me if you want to, Willow." I say and she scoots back over into my arms.

She lays her head on my arm and holds my other hand.

Peeta sighs deeply, rolling his eyes and I look at him.

"It'll be fine." I mouth, shaking my head. He nods his head and gets more comfortable.

She's been more attached to me lately, which I think is kind of hurting his feelings because usually she wants to be with him 24/7 whether I am there or not.

Peeta has been kind of stricter towards
Willow the last week, since he found out that I'm pregnant.

I think it's starting to hurt her feelings  but she's not hurting me or the baby in any way so I don't know why he doesn't just leave her be.

She knows she can't be rough with me either, which she never really has been before but she gets a little wild sometimes, but she knows how to act.

I think he just needs to relax because she's at least concerned with me and wants to help.

And I think Peeta gets a little frustrated with me for giving Willow her way so easily about things like being around me when I'm sick or upset or things like taking naps with me.

"Mommy, I hope that you feel better when we wake up. Okay?" Willow whispers loudly after a few minutes.

She pulls my hand to her lips and pressing a kiss to it.

I smile softly, "Thank you, sweetheart. Now go back to sleep, there's not that much longer until we get up." I mumble softly and close my eyes again.

Willow snuggles closer to me, and I feel her playing with my braid, but it doesn't take long for her hands to go still and for me to hear little snores in my ear.

I smile to myself, glad to have her too while I go through this.

I close my eyes too and somehow fall asleep again.

A few hours later I wake and hear soft footsteps around the room.

I open my eyes to the bright winter light, shining through the window and then see Willow.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now