"I'll got next," Gouenji volunteered.

"Then me," Hiroto said.

"Then I'll take the last shift until morning. Keep watch for 2 hours and wake the next person up. We should keep out bags and weapons close. We might have to run or defend ourselves anytime..." Kidou said. Endou, Gouenji and Yuuka nodded.

"Matte (Wait)! We can't run, remember?" Yuuka said. Everyone then realized that Yuuka was right. If they ran, who would be the landmark? Everyone would be separated and lost in the jungle...!

"I have an idea," Kidou said. "If we do have to run, let's leave a mark on the ground. Like we draw an arrow or something to show those who come here where to go next to meet up with us. We'll leave clues on the way too,"

"Good idea! I never thought of that!" Hiroto exclaimed.

"As expected of the talented genius Kidou," Gouenji teased, a smirk creeping onto his face.

"Shut up, Gouenji," Kidou said, rolling his eyes. He felt much better now. Guess talking to your friends really does help calm you down than just sitting down silently thinking about what will happen to your family member whose whereabouts is unknown. Gouenji chuckled at his response before turning to his little sister.

"Arigatou (Thank you), Yuuka, for reminding us about that. Good job on noticing," Gouenji praised. Yuuka beamed with pride. Of course! Her onii-chan (big brother) just praised her! She had helped everyone!

"Now that's settled! Let's have dinner!!" Endou exclaimed with enthusiasm. Everyone laughed at this. "Oi! What's so funny?" Everyone laughed harder.

They then decided to build a fire. They were lucky that Endou had swiped (A/N: Swiper no swiping! xD Dora, anyone?) a box of matched from one of the stores. It made the job much much easier. Soon, they calmed down and ate dinner. After a while, it was time to go to sleep.

"Jaa, we'll go to sleep now. Don't hesitate to wake us up if you suspect anything," Hiroto said. Endou nodded.

"Go ahead," Endou urged. "Make sure you guys get enough rest. We'll be needing all the energy we can get,"

"You too," Gouenji said and laid down. The others did the same and closer their eyes. Endou rested his back against the tree.

Endou's POV (Point of View)

The others are starting to fall asleep. Watching them sleep makes me want to close my eyes too haha. But no, I mustn't sleep. If I sleep, I'll be putting everyone in danger. I have to stay alert. I kept my spanner in my hand and yawned. I looked around. Nothing unusual yet, I guess.

I looked up to see the moon, full and bright. It was giving out this eerie glow. Now to think of it, it is pretty creepy being in the middle of the jungle at night. Plus there's the fact that I'm the only one awake at this moment... Stop! Endou! Don't start thinking about scary things! You're just going to make these few hours agonizingly scary to go through.

Actually, how many hour do I have to keep watch? Hmm... I should try to take as long as I can so that the others can sleep more. But I won't tire myself too much either. I glance at my watch to see that it is now 11:37pm at night. Yosh! I'll try to stay awake until 1:30am then. If I can, I'll stay till 2:00am...

Gouenji's POV (Point of View)

I knew I was sleeping soundly when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes to see a slightly tired-looking Endou looking down at me. Oh, it must be my turn to keep watch now. I sat up slowly, trying not to wake up Yuuka who was hugging my waist.

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