What is Love Like?

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72. What is Love Like?

Nanami whined and screamed out in pain as Inari held her still and looked over at Tomoe in shock. The fox was quivering and shaking slightly. His eyes wide and in panic. He coudln't do this... He coulnd't! If he lost Nanami, or the baby.. What would he do!?

He just realized that he loved her, he had thought maybe it was just a like; but after the words spilled out of his lips he refused to take any of it back. He refused too, and now?

He was close to loosing his baby.. And His mate. She would be his only one forever, This was a rule with foxes and their mates. Once his mate died he'd be alone forever. He didn't want to loose her at all, but it was something that could happen with how she going on.

She whined and held her gut when Inari sighed out and gently started to check her, she whimpered and held her moms hand while Tomoe watched in tormoil. He wanted to help but that was impossible, He couldn't change the pain in her body... He couldn't.

And It was driving him crazy.

Inari had already been there for a while, in fact he had rushed there rather quickly to the foxes releif. He was glad that he showed up when he did too, if he had not She would of bleed to much.. So much that the fetus would probably woudl of fallen out.

If it hadn't already.

Inari bit his lip as Gwen tried to hold her daughter still when he checked, he had to get her to hold still but that was hard since she was in so much pain, To be truthful what had happened was when Mikage hit her she was yanked to the side.

And then she crashed into the bathroom counter and hit her stomach rather harshly, it woudl be a miracle if the baby was still there to begin with, plus she was a human girl with a yokai baby inher womb. It was rare but not rare enough.

Tomoe shook slightly while the man sighed out and bit his lip as he held her still and took a small number of test, after that Nanami whined and choked on tears as she tried to stop moving around and hold still. It was hard to watch and Inari knew this...

Maybe thats why Tomoe grew still and left the room.

Inari sighed out and looked at the test before looking at Nanami and biting his lip, " Its gonna take a little time for me to figure these out." he whispered and gently patted her head as she tremebled and dug her nails into the blankets around her.

She had refused a hospital and Inari had a feeling that would lead to her bleeding on he bed. But what made him realize something was that if she chose not to go to the hospital now and if the baby did survive? Nanami would probably be one to do a home birth.

Which meant no pain killers,a nd how she was acting now? he knew that the birth would be a hard one.. he foresaw that sadly. He bit his lip and made sure to prop her back up with Pillows before she tried to breathe. Meanwhile Tomoe was in the hall as he shook and slowly slid down the wall.' Hsi heart was throbbing as his ears went flat.

He was shaking and trying not to break down, honestly he didn't have anymore tears as he shook there. His father left... and almost killed his baby.. HIS baby. HIS Mate. Tomoe swallowed and ground his teeth as something flashed in his eyes.

Maybe it was remourse, or maybe it was pure hate. Who knew really, but one thing was for sure. he was alone in this big house, full of memories of when he was little. He remembered being with his father and asking him so many questions...

He used to look up to his father, but now.. it was nothing more then a passing mircale that would probably never happen again. Tomoe swallowed harshly and stared blankly at the wall in front of him, his hair guarding his eyes.

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