How Do You Know Me?!

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42. How Do You Know Me?


Tomoe was running as fast as he could, his breath was fleeting and he knew if he kept running in such a way he would collapse.

'You make me sick'

The fox closed his eyes and pushed himseld furthur. The pain was to great; he didn't want to go back and see him!He didn't want to go back to a house where his father was sick of him and faulsly asscusing him. No, he couldn't take that.

It was raining to make matters worse, and all he was wearing was denum jeans and a wet jacket. His shirt was to thin to be concidered anything. The fox whimpered as he ran; his lungs started to hurt as his feet slowed and he started to cough.

God, It hurt.

Tomoe looked up at the dark lamp-post and the mucky rainy road. The only light was the lamps themselves and the moon. The lamps were dull and lit the streets with a brillent orange color. He was alone in a place like this...

Tomoe winced as he continued to walk, cars passed bye and whipped cold air by; chilling him to the bone an dmaking him shake uncontrollably. He was so cold.. but he wouldn't turn back.

He wasn't wanted.. His mother had said so long ago. She was his mother.. And he looked like her. Never did he think that his fox like appendages made his father hate him. Never did he wish to be something different than what he was...

Expect now..

Tomoe looked down into a puddle and swallowed as his sopping wet hair reflected back at him. He shuddered in hate... No.. He looked up in hurt. He liked who he was.. He didn't just look like his mother; he looked like Mikage to. The eye shape, the body.. It was like his dads; but..

He had his mom's eyes.

The fox swallowed and kept walking, not really sure where he wanted to go. Before he really understood where he was? He found himself in front of the grave yard. He looked at the fence and cursed..

Of course it would be closed, it was late.. One o'clock in the morning late. The fox swallowed and grabbed the iron bar in his hand. To be truthful he wished that his mother would come up behidn him and ask him why e was staring at people's resting places.. But sadly she wasn't on his side. She was on the other side.. In the ground..rotting away to nothing...

Tomoe choked; he wanted to see her. He wanted her to tell him everything was okay! He felt so alone. So alone that it hurt and dug into him. What type of teenager cried themselves to sleep often? Ha... Him. He did..

The fox leaned his head against the bar and breathed out. He had to get in there;he had to see her grave and try to think. Tomoe backed up a bit and looked around.

He didn't see secutiy cameras; It made him mad but also happy. Mad for the lack of protection and happy because he was one of those stupid people that was going to break in. The fox ran back and then ran towards the gate. He jumped and clung to the bars..

The gate shook against his weight and he held on until it stopped shaking; then he reached up and pulled himself over the sharp arrow like top. He landed on the jump and gasped out as his ankle twisted and cracked. The fox yelped but then covered his mouth as he looked around.

He only popped it.. Hopefully. He limped forward and looked around. it was hard t see in the dark but he knew the path like the back of his hand; all he had to do was find the weeping willow tree.. his mother's favorite tree.

The fox felt his way around and then with relief found his mother's tree. He pulled at its branches and rubbed ac cousre leaf over his cheek. Tomoe sighed at its smell; it comforted him.. giving that his mother always smelled this way.

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