Your Adorable!

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19. Your Adorable


"WHAT!?" Tomoe followed Mikage through the living room and watched him grab his breif case full of prayers. He coulnd't believe it! After all this time and effort! AFTER THE ACCIDENT!?

"I'm taking the bus to do some prayers!" Mikage sighed, his head slightly hurting from Tomoe's scream of protest.

"Your supossed to be resting! You can't go! I SAID NO!" Tomoe clenched his fists and stomped his foot down; He glared at his father and waited for an answer.

"Tomoe, These prayers are important.."

"YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT!" Tomoe screamed out; his fur bristled in anger and Mikage was shocked. Tomoe was usualy always understanding and let him go out, somethings for weeks at a time. It was only since the accident since he started to say no about cars and buses.

He even hated the idea of Mikage walking.

" Tomoe. " Mikage looked at the fox; highly aware that he was making a scene when it wasn't nessary. The fox looked into his fathers eyes and then let his head drop. He swallowed and ground his perfect teeth.

"Fine. Just be back soon."

Mikage smiled and went to pat Tomoe's back; Sadly the teen looked at him annoyed and the god pulled his hand back. He sighed and picked up his bag and then dipped his head towards Gwen. She sighed lightly and then put on her coat.

They both looked a Tomoe and waved, leaving Tomoe to stare at the closed door and try to not to burst out into tears. He stared at it and swallowed, his breath came out short from his screaming and his clenched hands went limp.

His ears flatten as the silence screamed at him. Tomoe looked at the floor and let his hair shade his eyes in defeat and anger. His shoulder shook and he didn't care if his claws dug into his white palm. It cut deeply but he could handle it..

The fox swallowed and tried to breath; he tried to look away from the door. He tried.. But this was one of times where he had to put on his fake mask and pretend like he wasn't worried. He could pretend that he didn't care about anyone's health and they would believe him.

Everytime Mikage left Tomoe felt like he lost his parents all together; it was lonely and the big white house would go cold. His pale skin formed goosebumps as he stood there. His tail started to flick about and he breathed out slowly.

His mask was in place.


The fox jerked his head towards the stairs and blinked. Nanami was running towards him with a smile on her face and a cheerful attitude. He furrowed his brow when she ran up to him and leaned her frehead against his.

He stared at her confused but then shoved her away in annoyance. His heart jumped but he ignored it and deemed it nothing at all.

"What?" He growled out.

Nanami smiled, " I thought you didn't feel well, I called you three times already."

Tomoe grimaced and then looked back at the door, he shugged his shoulders and looked at Nanami.

She was wearing a modest outfit and it looked like it could belong in the kids department, His eye brow twitched as did his mouth. It was an amused, 'What the Crap?' Twitch. She looked down at her clothes and then giggled.

"My real clothes are in the wash!" She smiled slightly and then frowned, " You okay?"

Tomoe looked at her with his blank face and then flicked her in the head, " Are you?"

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