A Mistake We Can't Do...

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Hey Guys!XD Yes I'm updating because A lot of you had some good ideas.. Now to Anwser a question.'

How Old Are You?"

Hehehe, Me no telling; but if you want to know? Go to my Wattpad Account; And now for something about the story...

There will be NO lemons in this chapter,

There will be NO implied Lemons in this chapter.

Just read the chapter all the way through because it does get Intense; I just wanted you guys to know ahead of time that this chapter is sheilded. Hhaha, I want you to read this chapter because remember the moral for these next few chapters?


'Rebellion Gets you no where; wither its fun or not, ' It messes you up.'


So Please Enjoy this Chapter...


50. A Mistake We can't Do...


" So Where should we go?" Nanami looked at Tomoe for the fifthteen time as they walked; it was starting to tick Tomoe off and he was already getting a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He felt like barthing somewhere but he didn't know why..

He stuffed his hands in his hoodies pockets as they walked around the downtown area of town. It took them a little whiles to get there but other then the long walk?

They had made it perfectly unharmed...

Tomoe swallowed and looked up at the stars in the sky; tey twinkled but some were really dim; as if saying, ' Don't do it.' He questioned this little voice in his head as

they shuffled down the side walk in confusion.

" Lets go to the Yokai world." He smiled slightly as Nanami looked at him terrified. She furrowed her brow until Tomoe sighed and smirked.

" They have great Sasamochi." He smiled slightly and Nanami looked at him before sighing and nodding, He sighed in relief as they walked to an alleyway. Tomoe felt around on a wall before lighting his fox-fire and opening the way to the 'Land Over Yonder.'

Nanami shivered from the cold wind but she could only smile as they crossed over. Tomoe's feet touched the ground and he smiled slightly.. It felt good for some reason..

" Hey Tomoe?"

"Hum?" Tomoe asked as the wind whipped through his hair making him feel alive for some strange but wonderful reason.

" Why aren't we allowed to come here?" She looked at him confused.

Tomoe opened his mouth to explain until he heard chuckling. He turned around to see a bunch of Yokai looking at them like they were meat.

The fox sighed and pointed at them, " Because... We are food."

Nanami blinked and nodded before it clicked in her head what he was saying. When it went through her mind again she turned and gasped, " WHAT!?"

The fox suddenly grabbed her hand and started to run down the streets of the World. They're feet kicked at the dirt as the demons followed them screaming about how they just wanted to have dinner with them.

Once they were done running Tomoe breathed out and they both hid behind a building.

Then they looked at each other and started to laugh out in shock.

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