We Need To Work This Out

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46. We Need To Work This Out


His Body was hot; his head was pounding. Where was he? He didn't know were he was... His body was tingling.

Earlier he had heard sirens and flashing lights. He hated the sound of those things; they sent chills down his body... It made him scared; and it brought back horrid he heard beating of.. Heart monitor's? The fox tried to move his arms but his body was heavy like lead.

It was terrifing... His heart started to race and the monitor started to beat at a dangerous speed. The sirens went off again and he felt people touching him; holding him down and trying to stop him from moving. His arm jerked up but was soon periced with something sharp.

His body started to tingle again as his body grew numb and the heart montior slowled once more. Tomoe didn't know where he was but it was scaring him. What was he going to do? He was tired and yet he was asleep, Why?

What was he supposed to do? He had to open his eyes.. But.. His body was heavy and it hurt his head greatly to move. He remembered slipping.. and falling... Tumbling.. over and over again. His body crashing against everything.

He rememberd hearing a familiar voice, screaming his name and begging him not to die. It made him whimper.. He wanted to hug whoever it was but his mind couldn't caught what it was...

His shoulder hurt and his head was killing him. Where was he? He had to open his eyes...

The fox struggled slightly, his fingers moving as the IV poured something into his blood line. He grimaced at the feel of something embeded into his skin.. But he didn't dare yank it out; he didn't even know what it was at the time.

His violet eyes slowly opened and he hissed in pain. Light was in his eyes as he blinked into consciousness. He looked slowly to the right and winced in pain... The window was open but it was dark outside.. The only thing that was there was the lamp lights...

Then he heard gasped reach his ears; making them flick about. When he looked he saw Nanami, Mikage and Gwen standing closely. Nanami's face was red from crying and the fox felt his throat go drier then it already was.

Why was it that he had a strong urge to lift his heavy hand and wipe those tears away. He opened his mouth but all that came out was a whine..

He noticed Gwen was in uniform as she walked over to him and picked up a clipboard, then she walked over to one side of the bed and typed in the hospital's password, " Ah. Your vitals have settled down." She smiled slightly and then clucked her tongue, " You took a nasty fall. Can you tell me what day it is?"

Tomoe blinked and then realized she was talking to him; he was a bit confused but then again he did remember hitting his head. He nodded slightly and swallowed, " T-Thuresday.." He choked out and moaned out the date and year. Gwen smiled and then pointed at Nanami, " Do you remember her?"

The fox looked at her and slowly nodded, " Um.. Nanami right?" He blinked and looked at the girl a little bit confused. She looked familiar but a lot of things were blurry. He furrowed his brow until all the memories rushed into his head, catching up to him. He yelped in pain and held his head as Gwen looked at him worried.

" Okay.. What about him?" She pointed at his father and suddenly Tomoe felt his heart drop. He looked away and nodded, he muttered that he remembered him but it would have been better to frget the deadbeat. Mikage looked at him hurt and Nanami blinked in shock.

She had never seen Tomoe like this... Saying something about the one man that he could share his feelings with. When she saw Tomoe and Mikage? It reminded her of her and her mom. She wanted a good father too but that wasn't going to happen.

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