Kinky and awkward

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Carlos and James burst through the door of the apartment, obviously upset.

"I can't believe Gustavo is making us go to rehearsal on our day off." James whines. "And I was just getting my tan on." He motions to his upper body.

"I know." Carlos jumps up and down, because despite the disappointing news, he's still Carlos. "Well, I'll go get Kendall and Logan." He rushes out of the room before James can get a word in.

James shakes his head, before plopping down on the couch, putting his feet on the coffee table. Suddenly he realizes something, wait what if they're-

Before he can finish the thought, Carlos's screams fill the apartment.


Yep, James thinks as his suspicions are confirmed, he can barely keep the smirk off his face when Carlos runs into the room, with a terrified expression on his face.

"Oh come on, you've walked in on them before" James says, rolling his eyes. (And he has, they all have, because Kendall and Logan like to do it. A lot. They took anytime, anywhere to a WHOLE new level.)

Carlos shakes his head vigorously, "Not like that." His voice drops to a terrified whisper as he repeats his words "Not like that."

It is at just this moment that that Logan dashes into the room, "Carlos.... JAMES!" He says in surprise and horror.

James' mouth drops at the outfit Logan is wearing. He's wearing black boxer-briefs along with army boots and a police officers hat. James's eyes bug out even farther when he sees Logan clutching a black leather crop in his right hand.

Logan squeaks when he realizes he's still holding the crop, he quickly hides it behind his back. God, this is so embarrassing, he just wants to die right now. "It's not what it looks like!" He exclaims.

James finally snaps himself out of it and says, in the most normal tone he can muster at the moment. "Gustavo, called us in for a surprise rehearsal."

Logan nods, still wanting to sink into the ground. "Right well, I'll just go get Kendall." Then he scurries out of the room as fast as he can.

The minute Logan leaves, James bursts out into laughter. "Oh god this is priceless", he manage to wheeze out, he's definitely going to use this against them in the future.

"It's not funny." Carlos whines, slightly furious that James could be laughing at the moment that was probably going to scar him for life.

"It is, it really is." James say in laughter tone. Making Carlos even more flustered.

"Your not the one who had to walk in on them while-" Before he can finish Logan's voice cuts in, shouting to them from the bedroom.

"Ummm guys?" He calls out hesitant and if possible, even more humiliated than before. " I need some help untying Kendall."

End :)

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