Chapter Twenty-Four: The Talk at the Cafe

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                                                                             Eight days later

Rachel was perched at the edge of the couch in her apartment. The pains and ache from her body was gone, but faint bruises patched here and there. Her right shoulder blade didn't hurt as much anymore, either. The doctor told her she suffered third-degree burns in that area, yet overall, she was fine. Heaps of cardboard boxes, packed with her belongings, currently overwhelmed the parlor. There were about three more weeks till the semester came to a close for winter holiday. Rachel prepped early to leave her apartment. The terrifying memory of Caldwell sneaking here a while ago was too much for her to handle (even though the firefighter found his burned body in the fraternity house, declaring him dead). She knew she had to leave.

With her pensive face and her throat a bit parched, Rachel picked up her glass of ice water, sipped it, and dropped it back on the table. Bridged against her nose was a pair of new, black-rimmed glasses and also new was the silver lace dress she donned as she primly smoothed it with both palms. It was the very dress Josie brought for her before she was kidnapped. Rachel thought it was appropriate for today, the memorial for those lost on campus. Eleven a.m. to be exact, at the center of campus. So far, as Rachel noticed through her window, Saturday's weather was a bit bland with the distant sun and pale-blue sky along with gathering clouds, as she waited patiently. Josie and her roommate were to pick up Rachel to take her to campus. Dominic was probably on campus already with the jazz band practicing for the occasion. His health improved enough these past days for him to attend.

Rachel's eyes averted from the window and her mind soon drifted to the time she spoke to Officer Willy at the hospital. She remembered reiterating a plethora of times what occurred at the desolate fraternity house. After questioning, Officer Willy stated to Rachel that Kyle was next. Before he left, he wished her a speedy recovery. Rachel, too, needed to talk to Kyle, to thank him for saving her life, but essentially to question him. Fortunately, she was able to contact him and arranged to see him today, right before the service began.

Absentmindedly, Rachel twisted her hand to gaze at the scar on her left palm: a reminder of the horror she experienced in her teens. And slowly she reached her hand over her right shoulder, about to rub the scar left from the falling board, to touch another horrific moment that occurred in her life. Then her cell rang, Rachel removed her hand from the shoulder and reached for it. She glanced at the screen. Josie's name and number appeared on it along with the time: 10:55 a.m. Josie had arrived. It was time for Rachel to leave her apartment as she rose up and headed out.

All three of the girls solemnly greeted each other. Brenda complemented her on the dress to change the sullen mood of the morning and commended Josie on her excellent choice once again. After that, each of them entered the car. Brenda started the engine while Josie buckled her seatbelt in passenger seat; Rachel was right behind Brenda, as Josie needed leg room for her casted leg. The car ride was quiet; no one said anything. The radio wasn't on either; the only noises came from the morning activities outside as cars zoomed by them. Rachel glanced at the left mirror and caught Josie texting on her cell. Glued to the screen, Josie gasped in shock, then seconds later bit her lower lip. Rachel thought her behavior was a bit odd, but brushed it off as she decided to idly stare outside.

Brenda dropped Rachel off in the parking lot. She told them she would see them later and waved good-bye. Rachel never revealed to them that she was meeting Kyle, alone, at the café. They assumed she wanted to get something from the café since she, moments ago, stated to Brenda that she wanted to go there before going to the campus center. Rachel didn't give a particular reason. She just thought it was something she could handle alone. She longed for her questions to be answered by Kyle. She trod the pavement that led to her destination.

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