Chapter Six: The Distant Call

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She paced herself on the pavement as she headed to her first class in the morning. Minutes ago, Rachel racked her bike at the café since it was the last place she was headed to before home. She puttered to class, soaking in the scenery around her. Here and there on the lawn were students doing various tasks, from writing to listening to their fellow classmates discussing something incoherent to Rachel. Three students tossed a football at each other while a long-haired male painter held a plaster on his forearm, brushing the distant trees and buildings. Bustling students hurried to and fro on the very pavement Rachel was on. A pixie-haired girl with polyester shorts swished by Rachel as she argued on her phone, and by the sound of it, Rachel presumed it was her boyfriend on the other end.

At least she's speaking to her boyfriend, Rachel thought as a small frown formed on her lips. She glanced at her cell for the time and realized she had ten minutes left. In the spur of the moment, she spun her head in both directions, just to see whether she was being stalked or not.

You're acting crazy, she thought. "No one is stalking you." She gripped the right strap of her backpack. "Maybe I ought to call the Hausefalles, to see how they're doing. I haven't contacted them in about five months."

The two-story brick business building grew closer as Rachel strode toward it. A flood of students was heading that direction. She pulled the handle of the glass door and entered. The air-conditioner cooled the hallway and her body. The door soon barricaded the warmness outside. The hallway was almost jammed with students, but Rachel managed to get to her class with seven minutes to spare.

The classroom was already half-filled. Professor Yu stood by his podium, speaking to a surfer-looking male. Rachel couldn't take the front seat since it was clogged up so she settled for the mid-area of the left section. The students' murmuring rent the air until the professor ordered everyone to sit down and be quiet. He then continued to speak. "Okay, class, this is the time to choose a partner for your business plan presentation. Take your time, but you have only seven minutes to choose."

The whole class erupted into noise as everyone searched. Rachel hissed out a low breath, upset Leena wasn't here to be her partner. She was the only person Rachel knew in her Entrepreneurship class. It's always better to team up with someone you know well—especialy one that works as hard as you do—than to team up with some uncertain person. About three students rushed by Rachel as if she were invisible, like she wasn't worthy of being their partner. So far it looked like everyone was doing a great job figuring out whom they wanted. Rachel scanned the premises, not knowing where to start.

"I have to hurry. I can't end up alone," Rachel murmured, still wishing Leena were here. From her peripheral vision, Rachel spotted a female Oriental student with wiry glasses. She was alone, not approaching anyone, either. Rachel decided to choose her. She left her seat and walked down the aisle, dodging other students as she headed to the third row ahead. Without warning, something sharp jabbed Rachel's back. She winced and turned around, wondering what it was.

"Excuse me," a calm, girlish voice said, almost breathless, like she rushed to reach Rachel. Her ash-blond hair was trimmed below her chin while her side-swept bangs concealed most of her forehead. She stretched her hand toward Rachel as her round face flashed a thin smile. "I would love to be your partner," she said with the sweetest voice.

Rachel couldn't excavate the word 'no' from her mind, despite the fact she scrambled for it. Her sugary voice hypnotized her, and Rachel didn't want to be rude. Impulsively, she concurred, taking her hand and shaking it.

"By the way, my name is Alyssa Janne. What's yours?" she said, letting go of Rachel's hand quickly, like it was diseased. Rachel thought Alyssa's action was a bit impertinent, the way she snatched her hand away, but Rachel brushed her feelings off. Don't be too sensitive, she thought.

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