Chapter Twenty: Unmasking

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Rachel got up from the couch, staring at the clock on the wall. It was 9:27 p.m. She quickly changed her clothing to something more comfortable. She brought out her pepper spray from her bag and put it into her pocket. She then wore the blond wig. Rachel faced the mirror to see whether the wig fit well. She removed her glasses and decided to wear contacts instead.

"Wow, you look really different as a blond. Maybe you should try it sometime," Brenda said with twinkling eyes.

"No thanks." Rachel scoffed. She and Brenda went out of the dorm room. Brenda locked the door before they marched into the hallway. Rachel's cell rang and it was Dominic. He was already outside the dormitory, waiting for them. The two ladies entered the elevator, knowing once it reached the first floor they needed to pull an Oscar-winning performance.

The elevator chimed and Brenda stepped out with Rachel whose head was bent low. Brenda lifted her up with her right hand around Rachel's waist while the box was underneath her left armpit. She straggled her way toward the exit where the night dorm mother stood guard.

"Someone is here to pick her up and take her home," Brenda said to the dorm mother, who simply nodded and brought her attention back to the officer. The officer sat opposite her on the bench. The officer seemed suspicious of her behavior. Rachel didn't say anything; she tried not to show her face as the blond wig did a great job of masking it, and she acted slightly drunk.

"You need any help?" the officer asked Brenda.

"No, no, I got it. This isn't my first time carrying a drunken friend and it won't be my last." Brenda kidded with the officer. He brought his focus back to the dorm mother as they kept on with their conversation. Rachel helped a little as she pushed the main door for Brenda who sounded like she was about to faint from carrying her. Outside, they climbed down the front stairs.

"That was surprisingly easy," Brenda said. Rachel began to walk normally as she climbed down the last step. Dominic's car waited. Rachel gave Brenda a quick hug and thanked her.

"Don't forget the box," Brenda stated, removing it from underneath her armpit. Rachel smiled at her before she went around the car and entered the passenger side. Dominic rolled down his window and gave Brenda a quick wave good-bye. Brenda did likewise, watching the car drive away.

"She did great," Dominic said. "I knew she would."

Rachel placed the box behind the seat.

"What's that?" Dominic asked.

"Nothing," Rachel replied. She didn't think it was important to discuss it. She just wanted to focus on the mission at hand.

The car ride was silent. They were now on the main road, driving toward the park, which was ten miles from the dormitory. Once in a while, Dominic checked his rearview mirror or glanced at his side view mirror. Rachel gazed at hers and saw distant headlights. There was nothing suspicious.

"What are you doing?" Rachel finally asked him.

"I—I think we're being followed," Dominic said, removing his eyes from the rearview mirror and glancing at her.

"You think that car behind us is trailing after us?" Rachel said.

"No, not the car trailing us now," he answered immediately. "But when I picked you up from the dorm, a car seemed to be following me. Now I think it might be two cars behind."

"Did you see what type of car it was?" Rachel said.

"No. It was too dark, couldn't see," Dominic said and puffed out a breath of frustration.

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