
"Am I dead?"

Now Maria turns back around to face Seth, concern clear on her heart-shaped face. She steps another step forward and runs the back of her hand gently across Seth's forehead and cheek. Her skin is so soft, her touch so gentle that Seth can't help but sigh. His eyes close momentarily, making the couple smile with glee.

"You're not dead, honey."

"But you came really damn close," Adam's gruff voice warns. "You're lucky you have such a thick skull."

"Adam!" Maria warns.

"What? It's true. The kid needs to start wearing a helmet, Maria. You know she wants to keep him around a bit longer." The couple talking about him like he isn't even there is starting to frustrate Seth. He feels like they're speaking in riddles and still can't believe what is happening in front of him. Arya's dead parents bickering in front of his very eyes? Surely not!

Seth clears his throat to get their attention, "If I'm not dead but you two are, what the hell is happening right now?"

"Watch your language!" Maria snaps but there is a certain playfulness in her voice. Adam simply shakes his head, rolling his eyes.

Is this what it would have been like if Arya's parents were still alive? Would they treat Seth like their own son? Seth couldn't imagine it.

"Sorry," Seth apologizes with a half-smile playing on his lips. "I'm just a bit out of it. Am I dreaming?"

Maria sighs, intertwining her fingers with her husband's.

"It is hard to explain, honey," Maria bites down on her lower lip. The similarity to Arya is quite eerie. "You're not dead, that's true... but you're not exactly alive either."


"Please let her finish, son." Adam speaks patiently.

"Sorry, poor choice of words," Maria apologizes, giggling. "Let me rephrase that; you're here with us because you need to make a decision. We are here to guide you through making said decision."

"And what decision would that be exactly?"

"Whether you live..." Maria starts.

"Or die." Adam finishes, the grim look returning to his dark features.


I drag my feet as I follow Seth's mother through the hospital hallways. She stays quiet. Too quiet. She won't even turn to look at me when I say her name. She just keeps walking. Her whole body screams tense. I don't want to know what's ahead. Whatever it is has destroyed the woman Seth's mother used to be. I can see it. I can see her crumbling with every step she takes.

There is not much I know about this woman. I only know snippets of her life. Some of it she has told me herself, some of it Seth has explained to me. If there's one thing that I know about her, it's that she has had to be strong for a very long time. While she hasn't always made the right decisions, right now I can't place any of the blame on her. She is here right now. She is the one leading me to Seth. There is a sliver of hope.

We walk up a flight of stairs and turn into a sectioned off hallway. Down the hallway I spot Paulina. She sits with her back against a door, as though guarding it. Her hair is a curly mess on top of her head and just seeing her now has my stomach twisting and turning. This girl has gone through way too much in life already...

Living for the fat girl [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now