“What?!” I couldn’t believe it! She couldn’t be dieing! She was the one who was supposed to defeat Eris! “How?!”

Pam was stern. “After they got back from Egypt to retrieve the stone for the sword, Eric was wounded and Violet let him drink from her. The thing is, he couldn’t stop…until she burned him. He’s in his office right now with Dr. Ludwig.”

I paced back and forth trying to figure out what to do. “What about his blood? It should heal her.”

“She isn’t letting it. Violet is already at the choosing of the roads,” Max said defeated.

I covered my hands with my face. “Oh my god.”

“Leona since you’re on the astral plain already, can’t you meet her there and try to bring her back?” Alexander, one of my coven members asked.

I nodded my head in agreement. “That just might work.”


Violet’s P.O.V.

I felt light as a feather wherever I was. My feelings were dulled down and all I could think of was that I was close to being at peace. It made me smile with the glowing golden light around me. The war was no longer on my mind. Eris no longer seemed a problem, and I felt free. The only decision I had to make now was which rode to take in front of me. They looked the same, just two dirt roads. Thought I know they each led to different places.

“Violet! Turn around!” I did turn around to see Leona.

“Leona, what are you doing here?” I asked. My voice wasn’t much louder than a whisper.

“I’m here to bring you back. You’re time isn’t up yet!”

She looked worried but I just smiled slightly. “But it is. I’m done. I get to choose where I wanna go.” Why didn’t she understand?

“No,” She said and shook her head. “You can’t. What about Ava?”

“Ava?” I breathed. I liked Ava. She was my friend. Surely she would want me to be at peace and to be happy?

“Yes, Ava! You have to save her! And I know we’ve just met, but you have to save me too!” She looked panicked now but still I wasn’t changing my mind.

“The others will come for you.” Yes they would.

“Violet what about Pam and Max and the whole world?! They need you! You are the only one to stop Eris! It’s your destiny!” She cried at me and I almost walked towards her but I stopped.

“It wasn’t my destiny to choose what I was,” I said truthfully and looked back at the roads. They were calling me. Telling me to choose one.

“What about Eric?” Something in me tugged around to look at her again.

“Eric…” I smiled, but then frowned. “He’s the one that did this to me.”

“Eric would want you to choose a road.”

I turned back towards the roads to see Godric. “Godric!” I felt so happy to see him.

“No! What are you doing?!” Leona shrieked and tried to walk over but couldn’t. It seemed she was frozen to the spot.

Godric grabbed my hand. “Eric would want you to be at peace. He told me himself.”

“He did?” I asked.

“Yes, he-”

“Get away from her!” I turned around again to see another Godric.

“What’s going on?” I asked scared.

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