-9- Dom is a Deer! And Mary Plays With Her Food

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We entered the tall stern, steal gates. A guard welcomed us with a nod of approval.

A large door lied ahead, the woman did not stutter to open it at once.

I walked inside as the woman swept me to do so.

"Aaron!" A voice rang. Someone's footsteps came tumbling down the stairs, she held a candle in her right hand. Her eyes were dark and tears slid down her face. "Where was he?" She shouted as she came to the last step and bent down. She sat down the candle and put both hands on my face and squeezed tightly.

"He was in the woods." The woman great fully told.

The other woman who squeezed my face looked astonished. "The woods." She was breath taken. "Arron why were you in the woods."

I opened my mouth but I couldn't giver her an answer. Right now I was understanding my name was Aaron, I was in the woods for some reason, Mary wasn't around, I am most likely in England, it was in the 1700's and I have no clue what's going on. So I gave her a plain answer. "I don't know why."

She did not appreciate that response. "Your father and I were so worried."

"Father and I!" I shouted as I backed away from her grip. This girl looked like she was barley sixteen. "How old am I, how old are you?"

The woman who was supposably my mother was not happy. "You are six, and a bad child. You do so many dangerous stunts that could affect everyone's life in the manor."

"Vivian!" A man's voice shouted from the back hallway. The door shut tightly and I heard running footsteps coming from behind us.

"Grayson!" She shouted, "we found him."

Grayson. I thought to myself. It couldn't be who I think it is.

A man with wet jet back hair, a strong jaw, and...it was Grayson from my moms work.

"Thank bloody hell." He said dropping to his knees pulling the woman who supposedly my mother and I into a tight hug.

"Ugh..." I made a weird sound.

He kissed the top of my head, "let me make everyone aware he is home...and in trouble." He sent me a death glare. I swallowed hard pulling myself into the woman a bit more.

Grayson walked away for a few moments.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"The manor." My mother said. She put one of her hands on my forehead, "are you feeling fine?"

"Is Grayson my father?" I asked her until she slapped my bum hard.

"You do not call your father by his first name." She warned.

"That child of yours Grayson, already making me have so many grey hairs and I'm not even eighteen."

Right before my eyes was my worse nightmares. His dark hair comb back, he wore a similar outfit to Greyson's . "Daryl."

My mother slapped my bum again, "what is it with you and first names!" She growled, "calling your father and your uncle by their first names..." She shook her head in disbelief.

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