-2- Warm blooded

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I watched the man walk away, his hand ran through his dark hair. I had a weird pull, maybe an urge to stay away from him, but the other part of me wanted to get close to him.

I stayed standing there, in the middle of the hallway for a couple of minutes. I was trying to find a reasonable answer for why this man was so cold. His skin felt like a China doll that was stuck in a freezer. He was nothing warm.

My eyes widen when the first bell rang. As soon as students started to flood the hallway I snapped out of my daze and went to homeroom where I would receive my schedule. The room was already packed when I arrived.

I searched around to see if anyone I knew was in the same homeroom. The more I searched, the less faces I recognized appeared.

"Sitting alone on the first day, great." I muttered to myself as I walked to the only available seat. I made sure my hands didn't touch the germ invested desk which been sitting in this dust filled room all summer.

A girl with long red hair entered the classroom. She looked around until she waved at a girl behind me. I raised an eyebrow as the other girl removed her book bag from the seat near me to clear a seat for friend.

I sat in silence just loathing over the new students.


I turned to see the bright headed girl looking at me, "I'm Mary.


"What grade are you?" She asked.

I looked around the classroom, "aren't we all juniors?"

"Oh that's right," Mary's faced turn a tomato red, the similar color of her hair. "How..how silly of me."

I nodded, "very much."

Being hundred percent honest, I am horrible at socializing. I'm that awkward kid who tries to scoot away from the crowd without anyone noticing, but I do it so noticeable that it just makes everything worse.

"Are you excited for the new year?"

I thought for a second, "it's going to be like any other high school year."

She laughed and almost silently saids, "I doubt that, Dominic."

I looked at her making sure I heard her correctly, our eyes met and they reminded me
of a...snake.

Mary stood up placing her elbows on my desk. "Do you like snakes Dominic?"

I gasped almost falling out of my seat, "uhh." My mouth hung open again but nothing came out. It felt as if there was skin of a snake tightening around my neck taking my oxogen. I leaned back as Mary brought her face closer to my lips. "Not really?"

"How about cats?" She purred, "a black cat."

I shook my head fast, "no."

Mary backed up and fell into her seat. She had a cheesy grin on her face. "No huh..me two."

Finally the sensational scaly feeling disappeared. I coughed a few times, gently rubbing my neck.

My heart raced as I turned to Mary who was texting on her phone.

She was different, cold. Mary was not warm.

The homeroom teacher walked into the classroom, he held a large stack of papers. He started, "when I call your name come pick up your schedule."

I rolled my eyes, knowing I was the last on the list. In the side of my eye I looked at Mary. Some reason she gave me a bad feeling, worse than the boy I met in the hallway.

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