Sweet Moment

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Louise - Black

Harry is walking me to my house. We have been walking for almost ten minutes, not saying a word, immersed in a very uncomfortable silence.

But then Harry decides to talk.

"Would you want to go on a date with me?" I choke on my own saliva. I look up, staring at his green eyes.

"Are you kidding me?" I ask him not so delicate, prudent and careful. He shakes his head slowly like if he was now doubting of what to do. Maybe what I said confused him.

"No, Louise, I really want to go on a date with you," he says.


"Hum, I don't know, Harry. I'm not exactly the kind of girl you should date. Maybe you could look for someone who's - I don't know - less black?" I tell him, almost whispering.

He looks at me wide eyed. For a moment there I think I have a second head for the way he's looking at me.

"What are you talking about? I like you, Louise! Why should I date a white girl?" He asks disturbed.

I open my mouth a few times, the words come out very wrong. "Because you are white! I'm black! Interracial couples aren't accepted in our town!"

Harry slaps his forehead.

"Louise, I don't care, I like you and end of story," he says, then adds. "And it's not that they don't accept those relationships, it's just that they aren't used to it." He sighs deeply. "If you don't want to date me, it's okay, but don't stop yourself from doing something you want to do just because others won't like it."

I'm sucked in a breath.

"You like that Mark guy, don't you?" He asks then. My eyes open a lot.

My mind is telling me to tell him the truth. It's the easiest thing to do since I'll let him know that it's not him, it's me being dumb enough to fall for someone that won't fall for me. But my heart is saying that I have to tell him the other truth that only my heart knows.

The thing is that deep inside of me, I like Harry too. He's very sweet, handsome, special, funny and he actually likes me. But having my mind and my heart on a war where only I can declare who the winner is, is not making me feel better.

"Harry, I," sighing I say what I want to say, "I like you too. But I've been liking Mark since freshman year, you know? It's not that easy to forget someone."

He nods and smiles sadly, but that sad face soon turns into a grin.

"And if I make you forget Mark?"

"I'm not sure if that's possible, or at least something easy to do, I mean-"

Harry puts his lips close to mine, and when he sees I don't complain he kisses me.

• • • • • • •


So, I've never kissed before and this is my first time writing that someone kissed a character of mine. It doesn't feel good, it feels like if I was the one giving the kiss.



Well, at least it wasn't a real kissing scene. But still.

You know, when I kindly ask you to go and make questions on ask it's because I'm really feeling lonely, and you don't asking me makes me feel lonelier. Pleaaaase, ask me!! https://ask.fm/alittleofmercy pleaaase

Stay honest,


PS: I really, really, really, really, really, really (like you) wanted to put a gif were a white boy kissed a black girl, but I found CERO. NONE. NOTHING. UGH.

PPS: found it.

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