Old friends

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Christopher - Fat

Did Jamie talk to me?

Did she do it out of... pity?

Was that a spark I saw in her beautiful brown eyes?

The questions form in my head, making me space out while walking to my house. Mom begged me to walk; that way I exercise at least a little. I don't see the point of it, It's not like I'm going to be healthy tomorrow.

But as I told Jamie, mom had a crisis. Speaking of which. What was I thinking about? Giving away such a secret information was the worst thing I could do. I saw the look in Jamie's eyes, worry. But she hestitated and I know why. She didn't want to hurt me, she feels bad for me.

And still, there was something else in her eyes.

Sweat runs down my forehead. Actually, I'm a ball of sweat. My tired legs are asking me to sit down, but I keep walking, just for my mother.

Finally I see my house. I walk faster, thinking about a glass of cold water, but just when I'm about to step on my garden I hear a laugh. I turn my face towards it and I find Daniel. You've got to be kidding me.

Daniel was my friend a long time ago. You know, before we started Freshman Year. Once I fell in the category of The Ugly Ones we took separate ways. I felt betrayed, I considered him one of my best friends. Then I realized that it was for my own good. Dad used to say he was a thug. He was right, actually, 'cause Daniel spents every noon in the detention room.

That does not stop him from making fun of me.

"Look, Chris-Fat-Crying-Chick is exercising," he says the last word with an evil overtone. Oh, I forgot to mention, when dad died I was informed during classes. So I naturally started crying. I mean, what are you supposed to do when your dad dies? They started calling me Chris-Fat-Crying-Chick. Wonderful, I know.

I keep walking, ignoring the idiot. He keeps talking and saying things about my weight and other things. I open the door as fast as I can and block the annoying voice.

• • • • • • •

I hate idiots with all my heart.

So, a reader suggested that I putted the name of the person's POV of the chapter at the beginning of the chapter. I followed the advice and now I dedicate this chapter to LadyZae.

Thank you for reading! Even the silent readers (I was about to say Silent Brothers, lol, Shadowhunters Forever) are making me smile. This books is #150 in Short Story. I'm still in shock.


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