I dare, the sequel

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Coach Hedge: The blah blah blah of Dracula in Hotel Transylvania.
Clarisse: Lamer with a Maimer
Grover: Mary had a Little Lamb
Chiron: . . . you know he wears curlers in his hair right . . .?
Coach Hedge: Napoleon Dynamite (he's a warhead and he's short [Napoleon isn't really short but that's what they say])
Percy: The Flipper
Leo: . . . I got nothing.
Piper: Kim Kardashian (I'm not making sense. This is pretty low. No offense to anyone)

@PuffinsKey said Hera is "MOON MOON" HAHAHA got that right
@ShadowHawk22 said Percy would be Iron Man and he saw somewhere that Zoe Nightshade was Lady Sith.

Yah. Atlas would be Darth Vader.
Did Hermes and Vader mess up their lines with their sons,
Luke and Luke?

Lukey Lukey Lukey.

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