4. Mutual Suffering

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My heart was still racing and I sat down on my bed, visibly trembling. That might have been the strongest vision I've ever received. Sweat dropped from my face to the floor and I did nothing but sit there and watch it. 

It was already 3 AM and I didn't even move from the spot I was in. My phone had been lit up a few hours prior, but I didn't even bother to look at it. I suspected it was Kate texting me the update on my invitation.

I wiped my face with my hands, but my palms were already sweaty, so it wasn't like I was getting anywhere. For a while I even felt a bit nauseous. 

I tried recollecting all the details I could from those visions. "A lighthouse...a girl with black long hair and hazel eyes...storms in Seattle...and other storms in other places I don't know," I said under my breath.

Soon, my vision got a bit blurry so I closed them for a few seconds. The timing couldn't have been worse for this bullshit to start happening again. It was obvious that I wasn't going to be able to sleep so I got dressed as soon as I felt able enough. 

The cold air was very uncomfortable, and just as I was ready to set out, I looked out the window. It was snowing, but it was already starting to stick a bit. It made me wonder just how long I was out of it mentally.

I finally got a chance to look at my phone. I got a message from Kate, and a few messages from Warren, as usual.

Max! Good news! I get to come with you tomorrow to Seattle! The only catch is my parents want to meet you and your parents. The only thing to do now is to see to it that Warren comes along. We have a lot of date planning to do for you two! - 9:46PM

Kate's message made me smile despite everything and it sounds like her mom isn't giving her a hard time either. I looked over at the chain of messages that Warren sent me.

Yo, Max! I told you I'd come with you! - 7:34PM

I've never been to Seattle, but I've seen tons of pictures! 7:36PM

Speaking of pictures, make sure to take a lot! I want to remember everything! - 7:37PM

Max, you there? I can't seem to sleep. I guess I'm too excited about tomorrow. Don't ignore this message if you're awake. - 12:02AM

Classic Warren. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel his excitement, but that was before everything that just happened. Right now, I just feel anxious. 

I had to take a walk. I put my phone in my pocket and walked out my door. I left my school bag since, obviously there was no reason to bring it. 

For some reason though, I took my camera. It was just a habit for me. I just felt like I always needed to "take the shot". I had it strapped around me like I would usually have my bag.

It was dark, as usual, so I used my phone as a flashlight. It was so quiet I could hear my every step, which was a bit scary, but I had gotten used to snooping around quiet places. I came out of the dormitories feeling so much colder than inside, as expected. 

The air was very still. No wind current anywhere, so the snow just fell gently. Every step I took I felt some kind of crunch under my feet, showing that the snow had already been sticking quite a lot.

With the night sky, the Blackwell post lights and the falling snow, it definitely felt tranquil. For the first time since I came to this school, it felt peaceful. Cold, but peaceful. 

But whatever feelings I had boggling my mind right now were anything but peaceful. I felt anxious, paranoid, scared, and any emotion that comes in between. 

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