3. Vision

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Sitting in Two Whales Diner was another awkward experience. It felt like that for a few reasons actually, but truth of the matter is that I've only ever hung out here with Chloe. As little kids and as "young adults".

This is my first time hanging out with friends at the diner that isn't Chloe or Chloe's parents. It's bittersweet when I think about it.

Kate had me sit next to Warren. I guess in this case, Kate was being my wingwoman...except Warren is a guy, not a girl. Warren sat on the outside seat while I sat closest to the window. He looked around for a bit while sitting. "It feels like forever since I've been here. Thanks for inviting me."

I looked his way and smiled. "Don't thank us Warren. We're all friends here, after all."

"Yeah, this is something we should do more often. It's nice to get away from Blackwell drama for a day." Kate added.

"Tell me about it. Everything from Mr. Jefferson to Nathan, I've never had a more intense week and it didn't even involve me!"

I let out so much air after Warren said that. If there was an award for the most ironic statement of the year, Warren would have gotten the unanimous vote...It feels like I used the term "irony" wrong in this statement, but at this point who cares?

When I looked around the diner, things were busier than usual and so was Joyce, so it took a while for her to finally get to our table. It didn't matter much though, I was enjoying the idle talk between us 3.

I looked at the "scientific graffiti" that I saw my first time back here. I giggled a bit. "Warren, you wrote that, right?" I said, reaching across pointing to the graffiti.

He looked at the graffiti I pointed at.

"Oh, hey I remember this! Yeah, that was me. The world needs to know.

"Know about what exactly? I can't even read it now, its so scratched up."

"I had just found out that-"

"It's ok, Warren. I don't need to know."

I had to cut him off. It's not like I mind hearing the speech, but it would probably be too difficult for me or Kate to understand, and I'd hate to just lead him on, nodding my head in "amazement" as if I understood everything. I wasn't named after Max Born for a reason. We're photographers, not scientists.

"Are you sure? You're missing out on my biggest discovery so far."

Warren is such a nerd, but I can't help but smile. So goofy and innocent. It's hard to believe that he was able to "go ape" all over Nathan the way he did, knowing how dangerous he was.

"How about you tell me when you win the Nobel Prize for one of your biggest inventions or discoveries."

"You really have that much faith in me?"

I rested my hand on my cheek, "Who wouldn't? You have the potential, Warren. You just have to go for it. I'm still working on that confidence, but someone I knew taught me that."

Kate had been reading a book, but I could sometimes see her glance toward me to see how I was doing. Although she hadn't been talking much, she was anything BUT a third wheel.

She closed her book and looked at Warren.

"She's right, Warren. There are countless people who worked their way to recognition by being humble 24/7, but sometimes you just need to seize the opportunity for yourself. This world is one big competition and you can't afford to fall behind. We support you 100%."

"Thanks you two." Warren said.

"I know I brought it up, and this Nobel Prize talk is nice, but let's take it one step at a time and focus on getting you an A+ on your next exam."

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