1. Remembrances

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any characters of Life is Strange but the original story and some characters. All rights go to the creators, Square Enix and DONTNOD Entertainment.

Life is Strange 2

Part 1: Winter

It's been 1 whole month since her funeral and I still couldn't exactly get the sound of the gunshot out of my head. I couldn't forget the sound of her voice when she feared the thought of the bullet piercing her.

I couldn't forget Joyce's hoarse voice after all the crying she had to go through. There were a lot of things that I couldn't forget...a lot of things I didn't want to forget.

That crazy, unforgettable week had so many bad memories, but so many good memories. Memories that only I could remember. I would've liked to wear, as Chloe said, and I quote, my "Generic brand t-shirt and jeans", but the month of December is a cold one, obviously. I wore a black long sleeved shirt and threw on a jacket with my regular jeans and boots.

Going to class still felt weird. Of course Principle Wells gave me some time off to mourn early after her death and get back on my feet, but knowing Chloe, she wouldn't want me to be sad forever. I'd just kill the vibe. I came out of the dorms and looked up to the roof.

Instantly, the thought of rain, my head pounding, my nose bleeding, and Kate's bloodshot red eyes all came back to me. I'd be lying if I said that was a memory I wanted to revisit, but as painful an experience as that was, I did save her in the end...

It's crazy how this only happened 1 month ago, yet it feels like a thousand years. It makes me wonder just how much time did I fuck up to get to this point. How much of that had any meaning? Just the thought of it makes me mad at myself.

And just like that, regrets start rolling in. It's because of these fucking regrets and indecisive thoughts that I abused my rewind powers in the first place.

I looked down at the steps and remembered I had to prank Victoria to get her out of my way. Poor Samuel took the blame, but I needed to do it. Looking back, I'm glad I at least didn't make fun of her. She's just confused.

If someone influential in her life just told her to do what she wants to do and not what she feels like she has to do, I'm sure she'd be one of the more humble people at Blackwell, as hard as that is to believe. After all, she did support Taylor when her mother was sick. Though, Courtney is just a tool.

I continued to walk the Blackwell campus. Every step I took it was like I was remembering something different. Something that happened during that crazy week. I came to the spot where I remembered seeing Kate being "bullied" by David.

If I had known his intentions from the start I probably could've prevented a lot of things...probably could've brought other things to light too. I felt so bad for hurting David the way I did. The worst part is, I couldn't exactly change Joyce's mind about him either.

I let out a big sigh and walked to the front of the school. I went to sit down by the fountain. Mr. Jefferson's pictures were taken down...some were replaced, but as much as it pains me to say this, the current pictures weren't as good as Jefferson's. That gave me a headache just thinking about it.

After what he did to not only me, but Chloe, Kate, Rachel and even Nathan, I saw parts of me that I never knew I had. Parts of me that I'm honestly scared of revisiting. I haven't exactly kept up with the news on Jefferson, though I should, but just seeing his face makes me unbearably angry. All I know is either life without parole or Death Row is waiting for him. Either way, the bastard is getting what's coming to him.

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