6. Transcendence Part 2

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Max was my best friend. Even now, there could never be anyone better. In my world, filled with hella highs and lows, this angel was there for me. 

At my highest of highs to praise me and my lowest of lows to comfort me. I think that's what a best friend is. I remember being here in this park, having endless fun with her. 

The snowball fights we had with just the 2 of us would be so epic. Hahaha, you couldn't have that much fun with a group of kids! 

I remember hitting her with a snowball so hard to the face she fell back. She didn't talk to me for the rest of the day! Hahaha!

The time we dressed up as pirates with our plastic swords...there wasn't a soul on the earth that could take those swords away from us. Not my parents, nor hers. We poked our folks in the legs with them any chance we got. 

We drove them crazy and we loved every minute of it. I think that's what a best friend is...

Haha, how about the time we got in trouble tasting my parents' wine. We spilled it allllll over the carpets. Mom was probably the angriest I've ever seen her, and you know she's angry when she gets mad at Max. 

Haha, Max was like the 'angel she never had' but not that day. Dad tried to give us a time out but Mom wanted us to scrub until our arms fell off and boy did they fall the hell off! Still, just being there with her was the most fun I could've ever had.

We just got done taking a picture together from my Dad's camera and me and Dad went straight to making eggs. Mom called to get help with the groceries. 

It was just supposed to be a quick pick up. That was all it was supposed to be. He said he was never going to leave me. 

We got a call about 10 minutes later and Mom couldn't even get a word out, she was crying so hard. I told Mom to relax...that Dad would be there any minute to help her with the groceries I thought she had been whining over. 

Dad died in a car accident...

It was just me and Max in the house, alone, I held the phone, frozen in place. What was supposed to be my immediate reaction? What was I supposed to do? 

To be honest, I don't even remember my thoughts at that point in time. I don't even remember if I was able to process anything. Soon after, my emotions got crazy. 

At my lowest point, Max was still right there, feeling just as horrible as I did. That's what a best friend is...

But then, she had to move to Seattle. I know it wasn't her decision, but I was left to mourn endlessly. Joyce was already on the road to moving on with her life, but I never understood how she could. Dad wasn't with us anymore. 

How is anyone supposed to fully recover? I had it in my mind that Joyce didn't love him anymore, that's why she was able to move on while I felt like the only one still trying to hold on to his memory.

It wasn't too long after that til David came into our family. I was so hella, fuckin' pissed at everything and everyone. Where was Max? Dad was dead, Joyce moved on, a stranger was in our house and there I was, isolated from the world. 

Life is Strange 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora