Chapter 70/Him/Of Shoes, Coffee and Good Morning Mr Phelps

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"Yes master," I said in my best e-slave mode. I even did the curtsey, which wasn't proper slave protocol but was a convention the slaves of the collaborators had introduced after watching too much Downton Abbey. How's that for slave craft?

I walked into the coffee shop and went to the serving area. I stood in the queue for a moment noticing everyone quietly checking me out. This never used to happen to me and I still hadn't got over the luxury of the one being checked out. I was always the friend of the one being checked out. Typically, now that, thanks to my robot foisted body, I could swap Instagram photos of my butt with Emily Ratajkowski there was naturally no Emily to swap with. I was still glance bathing when the man behind me tapped me on the shoulder.

"This is for real people only; your lot go round the back," he said. My ear glowed red. I looked at him for a second; he was fractions away from a good punch. While imagining him dropping into one of those machines that shredded trees, I went round the back. The slave hole was lined with cardboard boxes stored for take-out mugs. Fortunately, the e-slave queue was much shorter. The slave checking the orders recognised me as YCF girl and started chatting. Behind him, the barista kept talking to himself while he worked the espresso machine.

"Would you like fries with that... you can go large for only 3 bits more... why not make that a grande?" Occasionally he would stop and shudder like he had just been given a collar punishment.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked.

"Him?" he said resignedly, "Collar malfunction. We've called central office for a technician to come to see to him. That's why we are running a bit slow today. I guess it's going to be punishment drill tonight after closing" .

 I think if the queue got too long for too long they had some automatic 'retraining' and punishment from the software running the shop. I had heard they didn't even get a real robot overseer just a bit of cheap software which watched the cash register and applied punishments automatically. I noticed the slave charging stations, so I guess after work the slaves had to sleep here too. Hard life being crew at one of these coffee places, some things don't change with the apocalypse then.

I made the secret sign to the Barista to indicate that I wanted a drink not spat in. #6503 had warned me in secret that the slaves would expect you to want to have some revenge on your owner unless you indicated otherwise. Secret signals (like tugging your left ear when speaking) which looked normal to the surveillance cameras would be passed between slaves to indicate an absence of extraneous fluids in Masters drink. Yeh, I'm a softy, you know he had just spent a small fortune on jewellery on me. Am I grateful? Well, I don't approve of transaction relationships, so no.

There was screen running slave advertising. 'Touch here to download that classic slave best-selling  book 100 Reasons to love the New Huggy Friendpire to your collar'. I was always jolted that the machines could do things so quickly it look like made humanity was run by Luise Raine.

While I waited, I took the small gift Luke Hemmings had given me from my tiny gift bag and opened it. It looked like a peanut but had the words "put me in your ear secretly" in the wrapping. I guess I was so used to following instructions even written ones I just did. As soon as I put the peanut in my ear I started to hear a voice.

"YCF Girl. This player bypasses the audio security of your collar. For obvious reasons we cannot reveal our identity. This message has been left with various spies amongst the slave population of the city. This message will play only once; please pay attention. Word has got to the rebellion forces. We believe it would be a huge propaganda victory for the resistance if a celebrity slave like you escaped. 

We have tasked a rescue group who specialise in the extraction of high-value slaves. They have found a five-minute hole in the security systems at the new gallery of Humanity during the Opening event. At precisely midnight on the evening of the gallery opening, you must make your way to the boathouse. It is up to you to reach the boat house on your own. You must do so without raising suspicion at precisely midnight. Remember precisely midnight. Wrap your collar in something wet to confused the GPS trackers. The extraction team will be standing by with a collar safety kit. They will take care of the extraction from there. If you fail to make this point it could be years before we have another extraction opportunity. Help us YCF girl you are our only hope. This headphone won't self-destruct, please dispose of it responsibly. "

I'm a Cyborg's Pet (girl X cyborg)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang