The bonfire

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"Hey were have you been Britt?" Kat asked as I entered the tent that I was sharing just with her. "Just at the lake, I talked to Trevor" I told her "And?" she asked curiously "And nothing we're friends again" I replied not revealing anything. "Oh my god Britt that's great!" she said hugging me. "Listen the other girls and I were thinking of making a barbecue and a bonfire  tonight what do you think?" she asked "It's a great idea!" I told her "Yeah and we also thought to make a sort of show like a dance show, singing anything the boys could play since Jordan, Trevore and the other guys can all play instruments they could form a band and we could figure out something to do together!" She said excitedly

"I love it, okay yeah, let's go tell the guys" I told her running out of the tent. Everyone loved the idea and before we knew it we split up, girls on one side and boys on the other to think about what we were going to do for the bonfire. Kat and I were going to sing a duet and all of the girls were going to do a dance, it was a good thing I brought my hip hop clothes that Trevor bought me. "Hey Brittany, I know you don't like people knowing this but you are good and contemporary dancing....Why don't you do a contemporary dance?" Kat asked " a contemporary dance? OMG that is the most hillarious thing I've ever heard I mean I'm not even sure if we should put her in our hip hop routine let along let her do a contemporary dance, she'll make us girls look like idiots" Kaylah said with the most annoying laugh. Kaylah always wanted to hurt me, I really hate her.

"Don't pay attention to her, please Britty pleeaasseee" Kat begged, and before I knew it all the girls except for Kaylah are begging me on their knees to do my contemporary dance. "Okay fine I'll do it now get up" I said. "Whatever she's gonna make us look bad, I'm not even gonna participate good luck!" she said sashaying away. "Why did you even invite her?" I whispered to Kat "I don't know" she said shrugging her shoulders.


When it was time for the bonfire none of the girls were sure if they were ready. "Can you and Kat go first?" Abigail asked "Yeah, please" replied the others "Sure" she said as she put her arm around me  "Ethan take care of the barbecue" she yelled to her brother "Don't worry bout it sis" he said with a grin. All of the girls went to change into their hip hop outfits, Kat and I decided to sing in the hip hop outfits too so we wouldn't have to change all the time. The guys' band were going to start first so we had no rush into changing

"Wow cool outfit, is that the one you wore for the cafe's show?" Abigail asked "yeah it is, Trevor got it for me" I told her "Oh, cool" she replied. I felt kind of bad because I knew that Abigail had a crush on Trevor and she was one of my closest friends, after Trevor and Kat of course. As we got out of the tent we all went to sit on big logs that the guys cut in order for us to have seats during the bonfire. "Hey Britty" Jordan said sitting next to me "We haven't talked almost all day today" he said "Yeah" I said hugging him "Forgive me" I told him "forgive you for what?" he asked "No reason, just for the fact that I haven't talked to you today" I lied "Don't worry it's not your fault" he said hugging me. At that moment Trevor came out of his tent and looked at us, he had a small hurt look on his face which made me feel so bad.

"Trevor! I thought you were practicing with your guitar" Jordan told him. Trevor looked at me for a second before speaking "Umm well I changed my mind, I don't feel like playing the guitar right now" he replied before he went to sit next to Abigail. I could tell she still liked him only by the way she looked at him. Why were things always that difficuilt?. After the guys played their song Kat and I went after them. "Kat are you sure we should sing that?" I asked her not sure of our song "super sure Britt" she replied. 

After Kat and I sang the song 'Treat you better' by Shawn Mendes, all the girls gathered round us for our hip hop piece. Kaylah had decided to drop out so she was just sitting there staring at us with her annoyed face. I never understood that girl. After the girls danced everyone gathered round the fire with their plates so that Ethan could give us the food him and Kat were preparing. There were burgers, chicken legs, sauseges, bacon, potatoes, everything looked so delicious and it tasted amazing too.

After we all ate the guys went to do their hip hop routine. "Hey Brittany don't forget to change!" Kat reminded me. "Oh man I totally forgot, if I don't come back in time stall for me kay?" I asked "Kay" she replied. I changed into my skater dress as fast as I could. The guys' song had already finished when I was ready and I think Kat was already loosing her mind, but I went out of the tent just in time. "Brittany,  Trevor didn't dance with the guys, do you know what happend?" Kat asked "Nope" I said suspiciously. What could have happend to him? 

I went in front of everyone and got in position to do my solo. Kaylah stared at me with eyes full of hatred but I didn't take any notice of her. After I finished my dance everyone clapped and I could see Kaylah's face turn into something called rage and left to her tent.

That night I couldn't sleep. All I could think of was my conversation with Trevor and how he had said that he loved me. I had no idea what to do. I was still in my skater dress when I snuck out of the tent to go for a walk. As I was walking the image of the conversation just came flashing through my head. As I was walking I encountered Trevor he lifted his head up and just stared at me like he did a couple of times before. 

"Wow" he said with a smile. "You're...You're beautiful" he said "you look like a princess" he continued. "Well thanks" I replied with a smile. He sighed and made one step closer "You're beautiful Britt" he said as he put his hands on my cheeks. "I'm dying to kiss you" he said as he made another step closer, my heart started beating out of my chest as he leaned in and kissed me, I couldn't help but kiss back, it was magic, like time stopped and the only two people on earth were just me and him. Everything was perfect. Only we didn't notice that Kaylah was spying on us from behind a tree

Trittany/Jiley- A summer like no otherTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang