"I love you"

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"You what?" I just sat there surprised at what Jordan had just said to me "Yeah I know it's a strong word but I do" I didn't know what to say, I felt like I didn't love Jordan like I thought I did "I have to go Jordan see you tomorrow" I ran home and called Kat and asked her to sleepover 

"Trev, Kat's sleeping over" I yelled from my room "Kay" I heard him reply. Kat arrived at about half an hour later and I took her to my room, I told her what Jordan had told me "Yeah and that's a bad thing why? You've liked him for a really long time Riley what's the problem?" Kat asked confused "Well it's just that I don't know if I do love him back, I don't even know if I like him like I did anymore, I don't know" I confessed "Why not? I'm still not understanding anything" She told me

I had to tell Kat everything that had happend between Trevor and I but I made sure to keep a low voice so he didn't hear "What to the what?! Brittany he's like a brother to you!" She told me quietly yelling "I know don't make me feel guilty I guess I like him more then I thought I did, I don't know what to do" I told her as I fell with my back on the bed and put my pillow on my face "Well what you shouldn't do is tell Jordan that you love him when you clearly don't" she said lying down next to me. She gave me a friendly punch and we just lied there not saying anything for a while. "Hey why don't you come camping with me? We could ask Jordan and Trevor to come and invite some other friends from school to I mean we've just started summer vacation and it would be fun plus you could figure out what you really feel, what do you say?"

Kat's idea wasn't that bad and besides I needed a bit of a break and camping was the best solution "Sure why not but for now I think I better forget what I'm feeling for Trev, he has been my brother all my life and maybe I don't feel like I love Jordan because it's a bit early. I still like him after all, what do you think?" I told her trying to convince myself as well of what I was saying. "Whatever you say missy" she said in a joking tone "So camping it is, what do you say next Wednesday?" She asked "Two days from now?! That early?? Okay fine" I replied "Now let's sleep because I feel rather tired" I said 

The next morning I woke up to a text message from Jordan

J: Are you okay you seemed kind of upset after I told you what I told you yesterday

B: Yeah I'm fine I just needed to go home because I wasn't feeling so good and I needed some time to think about what you told me

J: So have you thought about it? 

B: Yeah but I think it's too early for me to know, I don't know what it feels like

J: Then let me show you (You notice that I quoted part of these two lines from Descendants)

B: How?

J: It's a surprise, can you see me this morning at ten, park?

B: Sure but don't do anything stupid

J: Don't worry about it ;)

After I woke up Kat, we went downstairs to get some breakfast. "So how are you?" she asked "Not bad, Jordan texted me this morning and I told him that I didn't know if I loved him because I don't exactly know what love feels like" I said "And?" She asked "And he told me that he was going to show me and to meet him at ten at the park" I said "Aww he's so sweet" She said in a kid voice "Yeah yeah whatever now let's eat I'm starving, English breakfast?" I said "Did I hear english breakfast?" Trevor said "Just in time Trevster" Kat said "That's 'cause I got great timing Kit Kat" he replied "Hillarious" She said. I couldn't help but laugh. Kat was right I always did love Trevor as a brother and I didn't want to change anything because things were perfect like this.

After breakfast I asked Kat to help me dress up for my date, I had no idea what he had planned  but since we were going to the park Kat adviced me to wear something comfortable, pink shorts, slip on,white top and my blue checked shirt (See picture above) She curled my hair a little so it would look better "Go you look great and don't forget to tell him 'bout camping, I'll tell Trev and some other guys from our class kay?" She said "Kay" I replied.

When I went downstairs to the living room I saw Trevor watching Tom and Jerry on TV, he was so childish sometimes but I could remember how many days we spent watching Tom and Jerry and then he used to shove a pie in my face and we both laughed, I wished that we could still do those kind of stuff.

I met Jordan at the park as we had planned and he took me to a deserted part in the park where I had never seen before "I've never seen this park of the park before" I said "It's our little secret" he replied with a wink

"So why did you ask to meet you here?" I asked "To talk and to try and show you what love is" he said "So what is love according to you?" I said "Love is what I feel for you. It's when you feel like there is no one you'd rather be with then the person with whom your close to, whenever I'm not with you I just want to be with you and when I'm with you I just want to be closer" he said "You just quoted that telenovela you like" I told him remembering a quote from the telenovela he used to watch "Ha you got me" he said "Wanna dance?" he asked "Here?" "Why not?". This oddly reminded me of my first kiss with Trevor when we were at the park and he told me those exact same words.

Jordan grabbed my hand and he just started spinning me around he bent me down and almost kissed me (see pic) but we stumbled and ended up falling on the floor him on top of me...It was exactly like what happend with Trevor, it was weird how everything reminded me of him "I love you Brittany" Jordan whispered in my ear. He got up and gave me his hand to help me up but instead I just dragged him down next to me "let's stay like this for a while can we?" I asked looking at the clouds and before we knew it we were trying to figure out what shapes the cloud above us had.

At about noon we had both fallen asleep and as we woke up Jordan grabbed me from my waist and pulled me closer to him "Another reason why I love you is the fact that I can feel like I'm myself whenever I'm with you, no secrets" he said. I could hear my heart beating loudly as I leaned closer to kiss him, as he noticed I was about to kiss him he kissed me first and we were so close that I could feel his heart beating as fast as mine. As he was taking me back home I told him about the camping and he loved the idea. He left me at my front door and kissed me on the lips. "See ya then Raymond" he said with a wink

I surely felt something strong for Jordan but I wasn't sure if it was love. As I entered the house I saw Trevor and Kat playing with my play station "Come on you killed me!" Trevor screamed "Too bad I need to win" she said with a laugh. I took Kat to my room so I could tell her everything about my date. "He told you he loved you..again?" she asked "Yeah he seems sure about it and I feel something strong for him too, I just don't know if it's love but it's something alright" I told her "Aww it's so romantic" She said "Yeah, oh and he accepted the camp idea thingy" I told her "Great, Trevor liked it too and I also invited Alishia, Abigail, Jake, Kaylah and Ethan" she said "Great!" I told her. "I can't believe I ever doubted my feelings for Jordan he's so amazing and I can't imagine anything happening with Trevor" I said as I turned to the closet to choose some outfits to take with me for camping "Umm..Riley" Kat said pointing at the door. As I looked I saw Trevor walking away from our door, he clearly had just heard everything I had said...Well this is a disaster!

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