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"Trev wait up" I ran after him "Why did you leave like that?" I asked him as he stopped and turned around. "Oh nothing just didn't want to disturb your girly chit chat with Kat about Jordan" he said rather mad "Why are you acting like this?" I asked "It's nothing ok just go back to your stupid boyfriend" he shot back angrily "I don't even know if I still like him Trevor I need you! I think I'm starting to like you" I said in tears "Yeah but I don't need you, to me you're just a friend you always were and always will be" he said storming out of the door and closing it with a bang, leaving me there in tears.


Kat slept at my house everyday until the camping day. On the day of the camping she went to her house to get some clothes to wear. While she was gone I prepared my backpack with clothes, Kat said that she was the one who was going to take care of food so I trusted her with the thing I love the most.

I wore my blue jeans high wasted shorts, and light pink loose crop top along with my combat boots. Trevor and I waited for Kat in silence. We hadn't talked at all after the day he heard my conversation with Kat...I missed him

After fifteen minutes Kat rang the door and we all went together to the lake to meet with the others. There was a beautiful grass patch near the lake and we all set our tents a little far from the water. Jordan came a little while after the others and I ran to hug him. He lifted me up and kissed my forehead. "Need any help bro?" Trevor asked Jordan "Nahh it's fine dude thanks" As Jordan went to place his stuff in the boys' tent Trevor and I went next to Kat to help her organize a bit "You do know we're only camping for a week right and not a year?" Trevor said jokingly. I laughed and Kat looked at me angrily but jokingly at the same time.

I tried to talk to Trevor to see if everything was okay between us but he just kept ignoring me. "Stop ignoring me Trevor!" I told him "What do you want? I don't need you Brittany I don't want anything to do with you so just leave me alone" he said right before he left. I felt my throat burning like I was about to cry so I just ran in front of the lake and sat down.

"Are you okay?" Jordan asked me as he sat besides me on the grass in front of the lake "I think I just lost my best friend" I told him "Which one?" he asked "Trevor" I replied. "Well if he really cares about you he'll come back don't worry about it. And besides you still have me, and I'll always be here" he said while putting his arm around me. "I know" I said.

"Okay guys gather around, we're going on a scavenger hunt" Kat said. She loves these kind of things and it wasn't really a surprise that she had organised one. As everyone gathered around I couldn't see Trevor anywhere, he must have wondered off somewhere to be alone, it's what he always did when he was upset but I just didn't understand what was bothering him so much. 

"Kat I don't feel like going anywhere do you mind if I stay here?" Kat knew what was going on so she didn't get mad at all and let me stay near the campsite. "Of course Britt" she said with a smile. I seriously loved Kat, I don't think that there could be a better best friend then her. 

While everyone was at the hike I decided to go for a swim in the lake, it was really hot outside so a refreshing swim wouldn't hurt. I jumped into the lake and dove to the bottom, then I heard someone swimming towards me so I went back on top, it was Trevor. "Oh great I come here to forget about you and you're here" he said. "Oh great I came here for exactly the same reason, I'm leaving" I replied. "Yeah good it's better that you leave" he said "I'm leaving because I want to leave understand?" I said angrily, I didn't want to fight with him but I had no choice.

"Do what you want, isn't that what you did with me?" he said just as I was about to leave "I didn't do anything" I said "Oh yeah?! You kissed me only for me to hear you say that I'm just a brother to you and that you might be in love with Jordan" "I didn't even know if I still liked Jordan, Trev! I told you what I felt for you and you know that it cost me a lot. I needed you, I needed my best friend, but you didn't care, and you're even sending me away I can't understand you" I said. 

"You don't understand? I don't understand now! You kissed me yet you want nothing to do with me.  All of this confuses me it confuses me a lot Brittany and you want the truth? It hurts" he said "Oh and you didn't hurt me?! You left me, this doesn't hurt?" I said angrily "I don't care, no I don't care. I will never forgive you, ever" he said "I don't need your forgivness dear. I didn't do anything put it in your head and now forget about me, insult me, make fun of me for all you care!" I said with tears in my eyes "What are you saying of course I care!" he said raising his voice "No, no you don't care, you don't, You don't know what I think or what I feel, you don't believe me, you don't see me you don-" He suddenly interrupted me "Stop it Britt of course I believe you! I, I think about you, I think about you all the time I can't go on like this, I can't! Don't you realize that I realized you're important to me, that I realized I love you!" He loves me....

Trittany/Jiley- A summer like no otherWhere stories live. Discover now