A Ballet Of Warships

Comenzar desde el principio

Silence spread throughout the CIC as everyone stared at the King. Unlike her husband Yela had a lot better understanding of the mindset of the Pride's crew, having spent two whole combat deployments onboard under Maxwell as an intelligence officer. The men and woman that served on the Pride were like a family and the crew would immediately choose their commander over any king or government. They had abandoned the Republic after all.

If Alexander challenged Nina in her own command center.... If anyone but Alexander or Yela did that, Nina would likely shoot or airlock that person. Alexander might be king but on this ship, he was a guest and one that was irritating the host.

Now that Yela thought about it a royal court and a Starcruiser were quite similar in those aspects.

Her husband seemed to realize that he had just openly challenged Foster's command and authority and took a step back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it."

The glare disappeared from Nina's face and was replaced by a mask of steely calm. She folded her hands behind her back in a very Maxwell-like gesture.

"Forgive my tone, your majesty."

Just then nearly one hundred ships appeared at the edge of Alderaan's gravity well. Their fleet was larger in numbers but in average Alderaan's ships were a lot smaller.

"One hulk, three Providence-class ships, and the rest are frigates," Nina announced gazing at the hologram. 

"Order the fleet to fire as soon as the enemy is in range," she added.

"Captain, requesting Permission to leave the ship and return to the planet's surface. I have an invasion to fend of," Alexander asked.

"Granted, take the Corvette docked in my lower hangar bay. I don't want that thing blowing up on me during battle."

Yela stepped closed to her husband, "Let's go."

Alex smiled grimly, "No love. You'll stay on board. This Naval engagement will be hairy enough but I trust Foster to deal with the situation. Alderaan will be a death trap for a pregnant Queen. Don't argue, I'm sure Foster will back me up on this. You're staying on board the Pride."

Yela glanced at Nina who shook her head slightly before returning to what she was doing.

Great, she was on her own. "Just be careful. I don't want our daughter to grow up with out a father."

Alexander chuckled, "Don't worry darling. This isn't my first rodeo." Then he and Boss left the CIC.

A small grin appeared on Yela's face when the door closed. "So, another Naval battle it is?" the Queen asked.

"Apparent it is so," her old friend agreed.

"What do you want me to do?"

Nina shrugged, "I don't have a job for you at the moment. I'll tell you when I need your help."

Yela didn't take it personally. It wasn't that Nina didn't want her there. There was literally nothing she could do. 

"I'll be on the bridge," she announced.

"Ma'am, I have Captain Vigilant on comms. Ship to ship hail," someone announced just as she left the Combat Information Center.

On the Pride's bridge, the concentration was just as thick in the air as in the CIC. 

"At ease, carry on," Yela yelled before anybody could jump up. She walked up between the crew pits and leaned against the windows at the front of the bridge.

She studied the Separatist ships in the distance that from here barely looked more than tiny dots. Her eyes swept over the Pride's massive upper hull, over the heavy turbo blaster batteries that were already trained at the advancing enemy. The Pride's sister ship hovered next to them like a sleeping giant. Her guns were also trained on the incoming fleet.

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