Chapter 7 - Mickey and Friends

Start from the beginning

"Wake up superstar, we're going to Florida!!" he began fluttering his eyes before his gaze fixed on mine. He held my head in his hands and quickly kissed my forehead before getting out of bed.

His abs were perfectly shaped and his Calvin Klein boxers fit him perfectly. He was just about to walk into the bathroom when he turned around and caught me staring. I blushed and turned around continuing packing my bags.


I sat on the plane and looked out at the open skies, we were just about to take off. Zayn was sat behind me and Niall with his gorgeous girlfriend Perrie. They where the perfect couple, they where both so dark and mysterious.

Sat infront of us where Louis and his girlfriend Eleanor, she was so pretty and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. The amount of hate she received on twitter was terrible they looked truly in love and they were both happy. 

At the side of us where Sophie and Harry behind them where Liam and Danielle. It was so weird seeing all the boys with girls, I mean me and Niall where only friends but it seemed strange.

"Oh my gosh Louis!" Eleanor began speaking to her boyfriend who instantly turned around to see her properly.

"Yes darling?" He asked her, before placing his arm over her.

"When we get there, we should all go to Disney Land?" she asked him. That seemed like an amazing idea, I'd love Disney since a small age and I'd wanted to go...but we just could never afford it.

"Yeah we should!" Liam answered her, everyone looked at Liam as he spoke and he began giggling before looking back over at Danielle. 

It was getting dark on the plane and I laid my head on Niall's shoulder, he kissed me lightly on the top of my head before wrapping his arm around me. I knew he could feel my bony shoulders and I was so ashamed.

"We're getting you to a doctor as soon as we can babe" He whispered in my ear. He soothed my pains and I began too fall asleep again.


Niall came running up to me in hotel corridor and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him and looked down to see his face lighting up.

"Ready to be a princess for the day Serenity?" he asked me, I laughed at him and nodded. I loved it when he did this, he just did little things that made my entire day worth while.

He turned me around so he was carrying me bridal style down the staircase, trying not too drop me. He picked up speed on the last 2 flights and ran down to the lobby with thousands of screaming girls.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY MAN!" I heard one girl scream at me.



Niall looked at me and pressed one of his fingers on his lips then winked.

"Ignore them! We're just friends." he whispered in my ear.

We finally got to the black cab waiting for us. Niall put me down so I could get too my seat and watch all of the screaming girls run from the lobby too the car. This was crazy, how was this normal for them?

An hour later we arrived at Disney Land and the boys had rented it out just for us. Niall opened up my door and held out his hand.

"Your castle awaits, Princess Serenity." he joked. I held his hand and got myself out of the car and giggled. We walked underneath the huge sign post and into the resort. 

"I wanna go see Aladdin!" Zayn shouted. I looked at Niall and I could tell he never wanted to go.

"Me and Niall are gonna go check out the merchandise, anyone want to come?" everyone shook their heads and began walking off to go and see Aladdin. Me and Niall were left alone.

We walked hand in hand over to the shops, Niall disappeared to go and buy something whilst I bought a huge over sized hoodie with Disney Land Florida written on the front with the trademark castle. 

I payed for my item and pulled it on over my head. I began walking to find Niall when 2 hands put their hands over my eyes, the smell was familiar.

"I told you, you where going to be a princess for the day!" It was Niall, his irish voice just penetrated his 'secretive' attempt. I felt something placed on my head and Niall released his hands. At first I was slightly unaware of what he had just done. He pushed me towards a mirror on one of the stalls and that's when I saw it.

Niall had gone and bought me a tiara. A plastic silver tiara with rose diamonds sparkling everywhere then right in the middle in big bold letters 'Princess'. It was the most sweet and caring gift I'd ever received.

"From now on you will be my Princess for the day." he smiled at me before he pulled on a waistcoat he had got from himself to make him look like a Prince. The whole thing was so well planned it touched me that he'd thought about me.

"First stop, we must go and see your sisters," he began, holding onto my hand and pulling me away from the small stores. "We will go and meet Ariel first." He told me before pulling me off to the direction of her.

I began too feel really lightheaded and suddenly started to wobble, everything suddenly went dark and all I could remember was trying to vomit but I was trapped. I'm f-f-fai-.

Niall's POV

Serenity dropped to the floor, blood came rushing from her mouth, what on earth was going on?! I screamed for help and everyone came running over. Harry darted in front of everyone and pushed me away. He pushed Serenity's lifeless body up so she wouldn't choke on the blood/vomit coming out of her system.

A tear shed my from my eye. What was happening to Serenity? What is happening? I heard someone diall 911 and in minutes an ambulance came racing around the corner. My heart was thudding so loudly, why didn't I take her to the doctors before all of this? I told her I would!

I climbed into the ambulance with Sophie and held her hand. Lots of metal pipes were being stuck into her along with needle after needle, I could see the pain in Sophie's eyes and I put my arm around her. This was going to be a long ride.



Erm what a weird chapter? This was so terrible I'm so sorry D: this took me like 3 hours to write ;o The next chapter is going to be a HUGE plot twist okay!!!

So who now realises why I called the book...Princess? Ahhh!!! Huh? Huh? Nope? Hmph...okay. But be sure to leave comments on what you think might happen to Serenity next!!

Thanks for 3.4k reads, means A LOT :D

Stay beautiful!

Abbie x

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