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It looks like just another night at Eliza's Elysium. The crowd, pretty impressive considering I know everyone in attendance. At the bar, Shaun, Mandy and Gary sit together, smiling, talking about everything and nothing. The way old friends do. At an umbrellaed table, Cade's brothers and their wives and Wally. I see Sam's new bride lean her head on his shoulder and something in my chest aches with it. New love- everything still in front of them. All hope and promise. I envy them that.

Another table holds Cade's parents and my children. Tristen is 12 and Quinn is 3. He, my young man. She, the little one who looks just like a female version of Cade- blonde sunshiney hair, bluer than blue eyes, a highly kissable pout. Her heart, wide open like his. Full of light, like his. Kind to a fault. Just. Like. His.

We have set up a stage facing the patrons- all family and friends of Cade's. All significant members of the tribe of our hearts. They have all earned the right to be present at this celebration of his life.

He is my hero in every way. He rescued me from a life unworthy of me. Then rescued me again to make a life worthy of my children.

OUR children.

As I stand on the stage looking out at those we love, my heart swells with adoration. He deserves this. He deserves people coming out, showing up, with stories and love. Cade was so much to so many, even HE didn't realize his reach. There are people here from hospice and from this very establishment, from his past and his present. In a corner, looking out of place, Eliza's mother and her husband. Cade cracked the case on her daughter's murder, after all. I saw inviting her today as closure.

My phone vibrates in my hand and I look down.

"I'm here," reads Alexander's text. I smile, put the phone on a nearby table.

"Everyone ready?" I ask into the microphone. Guests hurry to their places, take seats, turn to the entrance expectantly.

From my position I can see the parking lot. See Alexander get out of his car, head for the beach.

Following him: my cue.

I nod at my DJ. He hits the CD player.

And I break into song.

It's sappy and sentimental. But it's also just right.

I see Cade come to a halt. Lift his head. Smile with astonishing brilliance when he recognizes my voice.

He strides forward. When he hits the beach, he stops still, realizing he is surrounded by people he loves. Who love him.

"Happy birthday!" the crowd yells over the music. But then they silence so my serenade can continue.

"Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I wish I could be. I could fly higher than an eagle. For you are the wind beneath my wings."

Cade kisses the kids, his parents. Waves to friends. But everyone, including me, can tell he only has eyes for me.

I found my song when he survived. When he chose to stay with me rather than leave. When he decided to LIVE. My voice- it came back to me when I got to live in the after with my hero. 

I saw his eyes well with love and relief when he woke from four days of sleep after being shot. When he saw that I was alright and hadn't left his side.

I watched him succumb to sorrow when he was told I had been raped again by Moe. But be bolstered by my negation of it.

I witnessed him weep over the beauty of our newborn daughter as he held her ridiculously tiny body in the enormity of his hands.

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