*PART 3*

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I have fallen into a fitful asleep, unsettled by both the telling of my story and the raw emotions of the house. I have behaved badly by keeping so much from Cade and it all came to it's inevitable head tonight. All of my secrets finally caught up with me. I hurt Cade- both by making him think I didn't trust him and by telling him something that broke his heart. On his face at Eliza's, consuming sorrow. I was so afraid of what he'd think of me after he knew all of it. Doubting him hurt us both.

I am ashamed of myself for thinking he would be anything but supportive in every way. He is upset that I went through that hell. But he didn't behave as if I were dirty or tainted or used in any way.

He is my hero.

He seemed to take it in stride and put it away. At least, I thought so until I'm ripped into wakefulness by him calling my name in a panic from the middle of a nightmare.

"Cade! Wake up! I'm here. I'm alright." I shake him and his eyes fly open. I can see beads of sweat on his forehead and upper lip in the glow of the hall nightlight. I can also see the moment he's truly awake and seeing me. Relief rearranges his features. He grabs me, pulls me against his bare chest tightly. He runs his fingers through my hair, presses his lips against my temple. His heart is beating so fast and hard I feel it against my body.

"I couldn't find you. I couldn't find you," he whispers urgently. Regret swamps me. Here's another reason I should have kept my mouth shut: now my demons are also his.

"I'm right here," I reassure softly.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm just sick over it, Ad. You're so brave. I'm just...it's killing me," he swallows audibly. His grip on me is firm and protective. As I lay with him and comfort him with my simple presence, it occurs to me how nice it would have been to have even one person do this for me when I was victimized. Just one "I'm sorry about what happened" from someone who wasn't law enforcement or medical staff would have meant the world to me.

So while it's been almost seven years since my assault, I've finally been saved. Cade has saved me at last.

When, three months later, I walk down the aisle escorted by my son looking very sharp in a mini suit, I know I am saying I do to the man that is exactly right for me. Right for us. Cade has proven time and again the lengths he's willing to go for Tristen and I. He is loving and loyal to a fault. And as we raise our glasses and toast our future together with those who mean the most to us, I say a silent thanks to Eliza.

She loved him right and well. He is a better man because of it. And I know how lucky I am to be the one that gets to spend her life with him. For the first time in my life, I am the lucky girl.


I am watching from my pillow in our bed as Cade gets ready for work. He has a board meeting at hospice this morning and has already gotten up and taken Tristen to school, letting me sleep in. Because he's a prince. But now I'm awake and following him around the room with my eyes. I love watching him. He's wearing his slate blue suit with the lighter blue dress shirt. His eyes pop crazily with the color. He's got his hair smoothed back into a bun and is now tying his tie. We've been married just over a month and I still can't believe I use the word "husband" when I speak of him. I mean for God's sake...look at him. He spots me watching him in the mirror and flashes perfect teeth at me in a smile.

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