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                                                                                  1.1 ELIZA

"Hey-" A voice creeping into my sleep, rousing me from a dream I was having. A feather-light touch on my cheek, a nuzzle against my neck. "Eliza." I groan and roll toward the voice, It's a nice voice- deep, a rumbling bass that I feel in my chest when he speaks at regular volume. But right now, he's whispering sweetly.

"Time to get up," he says little more loudly. I feel him start to pull away and I whine, grabbing at him.

"Let's play hooky," I propose sleepily, still refusing to open my eyes. He laughs softly, plants a kiss on my forehead.

"I don't think so. I've got class and you're saving your PTO for the trip to Aruba. Besides," he rises from our bed, "it's too late to call out."

I wrinkle my nose at his good sense and roll onto my back again. I eye the clock: 6am sharp. Why does he have to be such a morning person? I know, when I hear the shower turn on, that Cade has already been out for his run and downed a glass of orange juice. Now he'll shower, make himself breakfast and coffee, enjoy it at a leisurely pace while he reads the paper and watches the Today Show.

Then there's me. I have to be at work by seven. I am not even out of bed yet-sleep is precious to me so I shower the night before work, not wasting a moment's shut eye for such ridiculousness in the wee hours. I'll throw myself out of bed now, brush my teeth, wash my face, yank my hair into a careless ponytail. I may or may not put on some lipstick and waterproof mascara. Then I'll slip into my scrubs and sneakers, grab the lunch I made last night, and drive the ten minutes it takes to get to work. Three days a week this is my modus operandi. I am barely functional until the first cup of coffee and Cade is Mr Sunshiney Morning.

It's annoying.

However, I realize if we were both as pathetic as me in the AM, we'd probably be unemployed and college dropouts and possibly homeless. In theory. So I'll keep him.

This morning I wander into the kitchen dressed for work. Cade has made coffee and put some in a travel mug for me complete with vanilla creamer. He's dressed in a blue surfer tshirt and jeans. The jeans I like. But I'm too tired to appreciate them right now. I should never have stayed up for the Talking Dead last night.

I sigh, pleased that he made me coffee, and lean into his broad chest. His strong arms go around me and he kisses the top of my head.

"You're a keeper," I tell him. He chuckles, the sound reverberating in his chest against my ear.

"Well, you're easy to please," he says simply. I look up into his dark blue eyes and smile. He's so handsome. He was good looking when we met four years ago, but now he's just drop dead: 6'4", muscled and wide shouldered with narrow hips. Sandy gold hair that is kept on the shaggy side. Full lips and perfect teeth, dimples in his cheeks when he smiles hard. His eyelashes are so long and dark that I'm jealous. The lines that fan out from his eyes speak of how often he grins and squints in the sun. And when he puts his broad hands on me, I still swoon. He's perfect- a brain and a heart and a sense of humor and that bod.

I have no idea what he's doing with me-I'm unsure whether I deserve him- but I'm pretty damn happy about it.

"Working tonight?" I ask.

"No. Marcus is on. I'll see you when you get home." He kisses me softly, tasting of black coffee. I pull my lunch from the fridge, grab my work bag. Cade sits at the kitchen table watching me.

"Eliza," he calls after me. I turn and he's smiling. "You only have one earring in," he says, motioning to his own ear. I roll my eyes at myself.

"Ugh!" I go back into the bedroom, put the other small hoop in. Heading for the door, I hear him laughing softly at me.

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